Lyonesse. (Player corporation)

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Revision as of 14:50, 4 March 2009 by Snowcrow (Talk)

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Lyonesse. is a EU/US Timezone PvP Corporation founded by Snowcrow on January 3rd 2007 and is a member of KIA Alliance since December 9th 2007.

The Corporation is named after the mythical Kingdom "Lyonesse" from the Arthurian legend.

Originally founded as a german speaking Corporation, Lyonesse has changed it's recruitment policy at the end of 2008. The official Corp Language changed to english, and Recruitment has been opened for players from all timezones.

past Alliances: Alektorophobia (Outer Ring) The Makhai (Vale of the Silent) United Legion (Immensea/Feythabolis)

CEO Snowcrow

XOs Uedel Stehrle Fertigo Kamakazi Joe Warp Knight

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