The Titan class starship was introduced as part of the Red Moon Rising expansion in December 2005. Titans are a super-capital class of starship, the largest in New Eden. They are built by alliances, due to their massive cost and sovereignty requirements. Costs for the construction of a Titan are said to be around sixty billion ISK, without taking into consideration the cost of modules, including their Doomsday device. Titans can only be constructed in sovereignty level 4, 0.0 systems at capital shipyards, and require roughly a 2 month build time.
The first player owned Titan was unveiled on September 26th, 2006 by the late Ascendant Frontier (ASCN) alliance. Coincidently, the same Titan became the first Titan destroyed on December 12th, 2006 when it came under assault by a Band of Brothers (BoB) capital fleet. Most Titans have fallen to conventional fleets involving capital support, however three Titans have fallen to a non-capital supported fleets. The first one was F4ze, a Triumvirate. pilot, flying an Erebus who fell to a Pandemic Legion after being bumped out of the POS shields. The Titan was killed on the 6th of November, 2008. The second Titan destroyed by a sup-capital fleet was Shizah from Cutting Edge Incorporated, RAZOR Alliance, who got destroyed by a combined fleet of Triumvirate. and G00DFELLAS and various other alliances on the 21st of November, 2008. The third and last Titan to get destroyed belonged to Hurley of Black Nova Corp from Band of Brothers . This titan was killed early on the 4th of January, 2009. Pandemic Legion set up a trap and Goonswarm brought the necessary firepower to kill the titan.
Titans are hotly debated among the EVE community due to their influence in 0.0 warfare. Many believe their powerful Doomsday device and jump portal arrays make defensive gameplay, in combination with cynojammers, too strong. Many have also debated whether or not the ability to kill hundreds of battleships should be left to the activation of one weapon. But with great power comes great responsibility, and some Titans have fallen due to irresponsible usage of such a powerful weapon. The Doomsday device cooldown allows a 1 hour window for an opposing fleet to tackle and destroy the Titan before suffering another Doomsday. Additionally the titan pilot is unable to jump for 10 minutes after using the Doomsday device; this may allows the opposing fleet to scan down the titan. Because most Titans are not fit with capital class weapons, they are left defenseless after a Doomsday without a proper support fleet.
Because of today's changing alliance landscape, many alliances employ multiple Titans to wipe out entire fleets by using their Doomsday device simultaneously. Even the most hardened battleship can fall after two Doomsdays. There is estimated to be over 100 Titans in existence today, with many alliances having more than one. A list of known Titans can be found here: Known Titans.
- Logistical (Jump Portal, Corporate Hanger, Clone Vat)
- Combat (Doomsday weapons)
- Fleet Booster