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Interceptors are tech 2 frigates built on the "speedy" frigate of each race and further expanding on it's role as a small, fast and agile tackler. There are two types of interceptors for each race, both having a built in bonus of -80% capacitor use for tackling modules. Both types also enjoy a bonus reduction in signature radius penalty when using a micro warp drive. However, while one type receives a bonus to tackling modules range (making it an even better tackler) the other type receives more weapon's bonuses instead.

Interceptors are very common in all sorts of pvp seeing how they perform the single most important task in combat - keeping the enemy in place so he can be killed. For the prospecting pvper interceptors are most often the first tech 2 ship anyone can fly. As interceptors serve no function what so ever in pve, nor does the skill-tree lead to anything useful, very few pve-only pilots ever train interceptors at all.

See Also

Interceptors Overview

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