Neo Spartans (Player corporation)

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Revision as of 10:54, 14 December 2008 by Ga'len (Talk)

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The Neo Spartans [1] is a small but successful pirate corp based in Low Security space.

Founded in 2008 by the current CEO Larkonis Trassler, they engage in pirating activities such as gate camping, gang roams, ransoming pilots and POS's as well as the infamous "drone lottery".

Their "history" tells a story where descendants of the ancient Greek city state of Sparta traveled to New Eden with the first explorers. They wanted to build a great empire again, but the reality is they were fleeing an Ancient Scourge [2] they they continue to encounter to this day.

With a focus on enjoying themselves, they engage in PvP as much as possible. They maintain a standard of integrity in regards to their engagements including actively displaying their respect for worthy opponents. One should be cautious when using foul language or engaging in "smack" talk with the Neo Spartans. They do not suffer insults to their honor and they will return any such disrespect with a forceful reminder of their strength.

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