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Titans are a super-capital class of starship, the largest in New Eden. They are usually built by alliances, due to their massive cost. Costs for the construction of a Titan are said to be around sixty billion ISK. In order to build a Titan they must be constructed in a extra large ship assembly array in a sovereignty 4 system.

Titans are hotly debated among the eve community due to their influence in 0.0 warfare. Many believe their powerful doomsday device and jump portal arrays makes defensive gameplay in combination with cynojammers too strong.

It is estimated that there are over one hundred titans in existence.

Two titans using their doomsdays in unison can usually destroy even Doomsday-tanked battleships. The capability to destroy hundreds of battleships in one fell swoop make them rightly feared and important targets in 0.0 warfare. Since Doomsdays take forty minutes to cool down, some titans have been destroyed by sub-capital ships, however most have been destroyed by capital assaults.


Types of Titans

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