List of EVE Chronicles
From Backstage Lore Wiki
Revision as of 14:23, 25 August 2014 by Hagen Robaar (Talk)
List of EVE Chronicles
- "n" column is the order published
- "title" should link to EVElopedia chronicle
- "cid" links to the "potw" chronicle, and has an inconsistent date format (as published)
- "date" column format is YYYY-MM-DD, and is the best guess at a date from the cid
- NAC in the "canon" column means Not a Chronicle (it happens apparently)
- "tag" column should contain relevant Category:Chronicles subcategory
- Please see the Talk:List_of_EVE_Chronicles page for how to contribute.
- Initial revision produced by github/siznax/evechron from original EVE Chronicles page