Serpentis Forsaken Den

From Backstage Lore Wiki
Revision as of 00:59, 3 March 2014 by Plasma Alchemy (Talk)

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Waves may be similar to what is shown below (Waves shown from a 0.0 system).

Initial spawn:

Corelatis Platoon Leader 3

Coreli Defender 4

Coreli Guard 2

Coreli Protector 1

Coreli Safeguard 3

Corelior Artillery 7

Corelior Cannoneer 1

Corelum Chief Defender 2

Corelum Chief Protector 3

Serpentis Heavy Missile Battery 1

Wave 2

Coreli Safeguard 3

Coreli Guard 1

Corelum Chief Scout 3

Wave 3

Coreli Safeguard 2

Coreli Guard 1

Corelior Artillery 2

Wave 4

Corelatis Captain Sentry 1

Corelatis High Captain 2

Coreli Patroller 2

Coreli Watchman 1

Corelum Chief Defender 1

Corelum Chief Protector 2

Wave 5

Core Baron 2

Corelatis Captain Sentry 3

Corelatis Platoon Leader 1

Coreli Patroller 3

Wave 6

Coreli Watchman 3

Coreli Patroller 1

Corelum Chief Protector 2

Wave 7

Corelatis Captain Sentry 4

Coreli Guardian Agent 2

Corelum Chief Scout 1

Corelum Chief Spy 2

Wave 8

Corelatis Captain Sentry 3

Coreli Guard 1

Coreli Safeguard 2

Corelum Chief Defender 2

Corelum Chief Protector 1

Wave 9

Corelatis Captain Sentry 2

Corelatis High Captain 5

Coreli Guardian Scout 2

Coreli Guardian Spy 1

Corelum Chief Scout 1

Corelum Chief Spy 1

Personal tools
