User:Anys Thes'Realin

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Revision as of 18:11, 15 February 2014 by Anys Thes'Realin (Talk)

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Hint: This is for OOC information. For Anys' Roleplaying profile, go HERE

This is the page for Out of Character information for Anys. She was created 1st of August, 2013, although it was nearly three weeks before I actually started flying her around. I had been away from EVE for several years, and returned about a month prior. I created Anys to help relearn combat aspects of the game that wasn't bogged-down with gobs of industry skills, with the possibility of using her in Factional Warfare when she got old enough.

However, after playing for a couple weeks, an old urge I hadn't felt since my City of Heroes days started to emerge. The urge to write a personal back story for Anys. I roleplayed occasionally in City of Heroes (may it rest in peace), and I kindof missed it. I also had been reading much of the EVE lore, which also put me in that roleplaying mindset. After a few days, inspiration hit, and I ran with it.

I honestly figured I'd write just a couple paragraphs and be good with it. However her story has become far more elaborate than I anticipated. I'm still working and tweaking her background, and will soon be adding roleplay events and suggestions from other people. As many authors have stated, characters often start to develop a life of their own, and Anys is starting to reach that point.

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