Talk:Turret damage

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Zero Range

How does this formula handle 0 range?

Turret Damage Formula

Hopefully someone can clarify, but it seems there might be an error in the chance to hit formula. It would appear that you would want to subtract the ((RangeToTarget-TurretOptimalRange)/TurretFalloff)^2 from the Transversal Speed portion, not add to it. The current formula would seem to allow for a Range to Target of any number (ex. 100000 Km) and you would only be adding to the chance to hit. Whereas if you were to subtract that amount, then any value above 0 would penalize the chance to hit. And any value above 0 would represent a range outside of optimal.

If I'm wrong I apologize, but I would be very greatful if someone could please explain why.


Because as the exponent approaches 1.0 your Chance to Hit approaches 0 e.g. .5^.25 = 0.840896415253715 .5^.75 = 0.59460355750136

So shooting past your optimal will lower your Chance to Hit multiplier.

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