Item Database:Ships:Mining Barges:Mining Barges:ORE

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Mining Crystals fit in only three mining modules: the Modulated Deep Core Miner II, Modulated Strip Miner II, and Modulated Deep Core Strip Miner II. An easy way to quickly identify them is searching the market for "Miner II"... the three you want begin with "Modulated".

Modulated Deep Core Miner II fit on any ship, but strip miners only fit on ORE Mining Barges and ORE Exhumers.

Mining Barges Comparison
Name Shield HP Armor HP Structure HP Cargo Hold Ore Hold Max Velocity Targets Target Range Drone Cap Drone BW High Medium Low Rigs
Procurer 6000 5000 5500 350 12000 90 4 22 25 25 1 4 2 3
Retriever 2300 1700 2000 450 22000 80 4 22 25 25 2 1 3 3
Covetor 1700 1300 1500 350 7000 70 6 22 50 50 3 1 2 3
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