Ilandrin Yona

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Back Story

Ilandrin Yona was born in the year YC 77 on the Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) station in the Cistuvaert system. His father is Marko Yona and his mother is Adelanna Vriev, both of Intaki descent. Marko was a crewman on a Gallente freighter. Adelanna was an administrative employee with the CAS. Ilandrin grew up on this station and received his pilot’s license from the CAS.

Ilandrin’s maternal grandfather took him to Intaki Prime when he was 12 years old. There Ilandrin learned that he was a Reborn soul. Although he has never been able to fully remember his past lives he does on occasion have flashes of images, sounds or feelings that could be from his past lives.

From an early age Ilandrin knew he wanted to be a capsuleer. His father spoke very highly of them, especially those he served under, and encouraged his son’s dreams. Although the Yona family was not rich, Ilandrin’s mother’s family had connections that enabled him to enter the CAS.

Employment History


6 January 2007 – 13 January 2007

I discovered Eve Online in late December 2006. At the time I was playing Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO), but was quickly losing interest in it. Ilandrin Yona was created after a couple weeks of playing with various other Eve character combinations. I ultimately chose Gallente because they are a free society and I liked the look of their ships. I chose Intaki because I liked their belief in reincarnation. Not only do I share a similar belief in real life, but I also looked at this character as sort of being a "reincarnation" of my DDO sorcerer of the same name. Also, back in those days race and bloodline determined your attributes and Intaki-Reborn seemed to me like a good choice for an industrial focused character.


13 January 2007 – 31 January 2007

Talyn Enterprises was the first player corporation I joined. It was a small mining corp. There were a handful of members, but the most active were Mayce Talyn (our CEO), Kathryn Zahn, and Stru'an. They had been playing for not much longer than myself, but they taught me a lot about the game. They introduced me to Evemon, Halada’s Mining Guide, and Ombey’s 2D Eve maps, all of which have been very useful to me. I have very fond memories of those early days.

ALIASTRA (NPC Corporation)

31 January 2007 – 1 February 2007

Talyn Enterprises was wardecced by a mercenary corporation. None of us were particularly interested in PVP at the time, so we devised a strategy of closing Talyn Enterprises and re-forming in a new corp. But before we did that we lead our attackers on a few wild goose chases. We would randomly fly around to different systems while they followed us, trying to keep track of where we were going. Then we all docked up, logged out of our main characters, logged into alt characters, and flew around watching them.


1 February 2007 – 25 February 2007

Reflex Mining was the new corp that Talyn Enterprises turned into. The mercenary corp that wardecced us was so impressed with our strategy that they didn't wardec us again. I know our strategy wasn't really that impressive, but it apparently impressed them, and that's all that really mattered.


25 February 2007 – 17 June 2007

After a while the members of Reflex Mining began to get a bit bored and wanted to try new things. But we all had different things we wanted to do so we agreed to close the corp and we each went our separate ways. I chose to form a solo corp for myself and explore the industrial side of Eve a little more. I continued mining, but I also tried my hand at manufacturing.

ALIASTRA (NPC Corporation)

17 June 2007 – 17 June 2007

After a while on my own I started to feel a desire to be part of a corporation with other players again. I had been disappointed with the over-simplicity of manufacturing and wanted to try something else. While chatting with Mayce he told me about the corporation he had just joined called Fuzzy Lemons. It was a bigger corp and had both combat pilots as well as industrial pilots.


17 June 2007 – 14 August 2007

In Fuzzy Lemons I continued mining and running missions, but I tried to learn a bit more about combat, both PVE and PVP.


14 August 2007 – 7 October 2007

The CEO and directors of Fuzzy Lemons decided to restructure the corp and part of that was to create a new corp called Prometheus Technologies, which focused on industry. Another corp called Dark Star Squadron would focus on combat. During this time we joined an alliance called The Order of the Red Locust. The CEO also wanted to greatly increase the size of the corp, so he started advertising and recruiting more aggressively.


7 October 2007 – 5 October 2008

I wasn't interested in being in a large corporation. I was more comfortable in a small, close-knit group. Stru'an had created a corp of his own named Elemental Ventures and was doing manufacturing and market trading. He invited me to join him and mine minerals for his manufacturing operations.

ALIASTRA (NPC Corporation)

5 October 2008 – 5 October 2008

Over time Stru'an lost interest in Eve and I barely ever saw him online. I continued to play solo for a while but eventually got that desire to join another corp.


5 October 2008 – 6 November 2008

I found Atomic Reaction in the recruitment forums. They met my criteria of being in Gallente space and being OK with a casual play style. They had goals of operating in lowsec and maybe even eventually getting out into nullsec. One day I logged in to find some corpmates on their way to attack a POS in lowsec. I decided to go along as it was something I had not experienced before. I didn't realize until too late that we were not at war with the owner of the POS and so when we attacked I took a security status hit. I know that's hardly a big deal to most Eve players, but I had kind of been proud of my spotless security status up to that point. The assault on the POS itself turned out to be rather boring to me. I don't know how long we sat there shooting it, but it seemed like a long time and nothing really happened the whole time I was there. The POS had no functioning defenses except the shield. It's apparent vulnerability was one of the reasons my corpmates wanted to attack it.


6 November 2008 – 22 March 2009

After the incident with the POS I decided Atomic Reaction was not for me. I decided to go solo again and created a corp named Del Ensis Remora, which I pretended meant "The Restless Spirit" in some obscure Intaki dialect. Although I don’t role-play in game I do enjoy the back story of Eve and I enjoy working with that back story as it relates to my character’s story. So while I don’t speak “in character” I will do what I think my character would do, or avoid what my character would avoid.


22 March 2009 – 27 August 2009

Later I had the idea of a corporation dedicated to the various harvesting activities in Eve. I still thought of myself as primarily a miner, but I realized that other activities in Eve could be thought of as harvesting, like mission running, ninja salvaging, and even pirating could be said to involve harvesting stuff from the victims. So I created a corp named Allied Harvesting, which I thought could one day unite these various play styles.


27 August 2009 – 4 October 2009

It didn't take long for me to realize that although I liked the Allied Harvesting idea, I had no desire to be a CEO. So I stayed solo in that corp for a time. Eventually, though, I again felt the desire to join with other players. So I went back to the recruitment forum and found Off World Brotherhood. They promised wormhole expeditions as well as playing in lowsec and possibly nullsec, too.


4 October 2009 – 17 November 2009

After a while, though, the leadership of Off World Brotherhood lost interest and wanted to move on. One of the directors was interested in keeping the corp going but under a different name. Thus, Illuminatus Celestus was formed. Only a few people from Off World Brotherhood came over to the new corp. The new CEO didn’t really like recruiting.

ALIASTRA (NPC Corporation)

17 November 2009 – 19 November 2009

The new CEO of Illuminatus Celestus soon found running a corp to be more trouble than it was worth so the corp was eventually closed. I spent a few days contemplating what to do next and finally decided to just return to my solo corp, Allied Harvesting, which I had left with one of my alt characters.


19 November 2009 – 23 March 2010

During this period of time I started collecting ships. At its peak my collection numbered around 150 unique ships, plus a few duplicates. I had been playing solo in Allied Harvesting for a few months when Stru'an returned to Eve. He had closed Elemental Ventures and joined a young corp called Viaticus Consortium. After chatting with Stru'an for a while I decided to apply to this new Corp, as well.


23 March 2010 – 7 June 2011

After joining Viaticus Consortium it was not long before I was appointed Mining Manager. I set up the corp's weekly mining operations and kept track of how much we mined. It was fun for a while. Later we joined an alliance called Eternal Strife and I worked with other corps in the alliance to do joint mining operations. Then the alliance got wardecced and we went through a long period when we didn't have any mining ops for fear of being attacked. Eventually Viaticus Consortium left Eternal Strife, but the CEO decided he wanted to steer the corp toward being more PVP oriented. At this same time I found myself losing interest in Eve generally. I was logging in less and less.


7 June 2011 – 9 March 2012

Finally, I decided it wasn't fair to stay in Viaticus Consortium if I wasn't going to be a contributing member so I left and returned to Allied Harvesting, which I had again left in the hands of my alt character. For several months I barely logged into Eve. Pretty much only logging in to set skill training. Eventually, though, I returned to playing Eve on a fairly regular basis. I mined ore a bit. Ran some Planetary Interaction. Dabbled in manufacturing. And went around exploring in my Helios.

Helion Production Labs (Open)

9 March 2012 - Present

After going solo for a long while I eventually grew bored and wanted to be part of a player corp again. I once again looked to the recruitment forums and found Helion Production Labs. They have a very positive and friendly corp atmosphere. So, once again leaving Allied Harvesting in the capable hands of my alt characters, I applied and was accepted.

Current Activities

Posted 9 March 2012

Having just joined a new corporation my plans are to relocate my activities to the corp's home system.

Posted 4 March 2012

I have recently returned to playing Eve almost nightly. I sold off most of my ship collection and now just have a few ships for running missions, mining, hauling and exploring. Most of my activity is in the Essence Region of Gallente space, around and within a few jumps of the Villore system.

I have a couple planets that I am harvesting materials from for sale on the market. I’ve bought a couple blueprints for manufacturing. I still mine ore on occasion. Ilandrin flies a Hulk and I have an alt that can fly an Orca. I fleet them together to get some mining bonuses.

I have a Rattlesnake with which I have been running level 4 security missions for Chemal Tech corporation in order to reduce the refining tax in their stations. I’ve also been running level 2 security missions with either my Jaguar, Enyo, or Federation Navy Comet. I enjoy flying my frigates more than my battleship, so I’ve been doing these missions a bit more often. I will occasionally salvage my missions with my Noctis, depending on if I have the time and feel like doing it.

I have a Helios that I use for exploration. I think I’m pretty decent at scanning down exploration sites and wormholes. Unfortunately I find that there is very little I can do when I find them because they so often require other ships (or more players) to fully exploit. As a result I haven’t been doing much exploring lately.

Ilandrin has over 93 million skill points. He has a security status of 3.9.

I have three Eve accounts. The second account I created so that I could have a hauler when I mined. When Orcas were introduced I trained that character to fly one and also trained fleet skills so that he could provide mining bonuses to my main. The third account I originally created with the intention of building characters and then selling them. However, I found that I tend to grow rather attached to my characters and then don’t want to sell them. I don’t have any current goals for my third account.

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