Talk:The Sleeper - Jovian Connection
This is a continuation of the discussion here.
Regarding the Jovians possible ventures into w-space, I should proberly stick with my own theory that the Jovians have been struggleling to function as a society for a while so attributing them much interference in current affairs is unlikely. They could perhaps have been visitors of w-space at an earlier date, though.--Myyona 19:33, 5 January 2012 (UTC)
((OOC comment: Agree. What happens in the books isn't really common knowledge in-world, and your article is written from an IC perspective)) --Milo Caman 20:01, 5 January 2012 (UTC)
((Yes, but it would be great if people can find IC evidence against/for the theory, so I will prefer keeping the discussion IC too.))--Myyona 23:02, 5 January 2012 (UTC)
((Borascus' comment: I'm in loose agreement with this pending consensus. It does stand to reason, If Project Compass' findings are verified then the mention of the two relics, 1 found on Matar and the other in W-Space add to the credibility of the comments from the mailing list:
From: Borascus YC: 114.01.04 02:55
1. It would become feasible to evaluate the travel time of the ships, and at 1250-1350 light years from the Center of New Eden, the ships would either have to:
A. Use Wormholes to achieve their target destination. Perhaps artificial w'holes if you consider the other Yan Jung relics.
B. Travel at close to the speed of light for the duration. Although it can be proven that Warp drives were built prior to the original migration from the EVE Gate, it is also apparent that the technology to do so left New Eden's cultural and technological identity soon after the EVE Gate's collapse. Two conclusions inter-twined would lead to that time being: Around the Late Yan Jung era.
C. Be part of the original migration from the EVE Gate and not have a definate travel time at all. Relying on technology already present from pre-EVE Ancestry.
On a more technical note: The axial measurements carried out by the Doctor's indicated that no modern dreadnought could compare: The average Dreadnought axial length is 4km, with one exception at 5km. The Jovian Motherships are cited in historical text as being 4km in axial length and pre-cursing modern day Titan's, If anything the vessels the Doctor's are referring to have the capacity to hold more cryogenically frozen people than the Jovian motherships.
Considerations: Points 1 and 2 show that at the time of leaving the area the vessel/s had the capacity to carry more cryo-pods than a 'Jovian Mothership' used during the Jovian exodus to Jove Space. At the time only 3 Jovian motherships carried billions of Jovians, the remainder of the 2nd Empire, to their current home. These findings compel evaluation of how many individuals of any race could have moved towards w-space. whilst also pointing to the same capacity of a single vessel encountering damage whilst around / leaving the area of; Matar.))--Borascus 00:17, 6 January 2012 (UTC)
To bring the Jovians into the theories without proof of any kind is to embark on a wild goose chase and the rumour mill. We have no proof of a third race being present in Anoikis, though should there ever be evidence, or a very well-thought, solid project point to the involvement of a 3rd race, the Jove would be the logical choice. I say logical, for we know them to be enigmatic. Ontop of which, they have extensive use of polymer tech. When I asked Dr Tukoss about the potential of synthesis, he replied that it was possible, but not at rates which would enable the construction of a viable navy. The Jovian ships may be old, but are they old enough that they could have synthesised it all? Anyone with detail, please share! In the absence of synthetic polymer, the only known reservoirs are in Anoikis. Aedeal - 01:15 6 Jan 2012
Hm, no proof you say... You do mention that w-space is the only known abaundant source of fullerene clouds and we do know that the Jovians master complex fullerene based technologies. So perhaps the Jovians indeed have been in w-space before or they have other sources of fullerene completely hidden from the rest of the empires. Still, I do not believe the Jovians gutted the Talocan ships. The Sleeper databanks and research topics have still to be accounted for.--Myyona 12:11, 6 January 2012 (UTC)
There's still no proof that they were involved with the decline/collapse of the Sleeper/Talocan empires. There's such a massive timescale here that presence cannot imply action.
Aedeal 16:40 6 Jan 2012