Talk:Project Compass

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Revision as of 17:54, 1 February 2012 by Traidir (Talk)

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Mark, I've finished the visualizing software for the project, here's an image capture. This is all the systems you and I have visited, using our calculated data points for position. Anoikis Data YC 113.12.13

This second image shows the same set of systems colored by Stellar Phenomena. Anoikis Data YC 113.12.13

The third image shows some perspective, as well as the relative positions of the Anoikis systems and New Eden. Also visible is some linear clustering of systems; this is due to the tenth of a light year precision limitation of the control tower measurements, which results in a small amount of error in each system's actual position. An artifact of this error presents visually as layering of the points along planes and clustering along lines within each plane. Anoikis Data YC 114.01.03

Another view for extra perspective. Anoikis Data YC 114.02.01

Below is an updated image of Anoikis systems colored by class using Project Compass data of 226 systems in Anoikis. You can see things filling in quite nicely in the lower classes, though the higher class systems still remain somewhat sparse. I've changed the coordinate systems to match the CONCORD astronomical database (apparently CONCORD likes positive-z to be down in their very strange, left-handed coordinate system). I will also note that this spiral pattern echos the archaeological evidence of how stargates were built in k-space: "The [ancient] jump gates snake out like a spiderweb from a central point." [1] Anoikis Data YC 114.02.01

Below is another updated image, this time for Stellar Phenomena. Sorry for not keeping a consistent size for these images, I'll try and improve on that in future. Anoikis Data YC 114.02.01

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