Fatal Ascension (Player alliance)

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Name Fatal Ascension
Ticker -FA-
Type 0.0
Founded January 6th, 2009
Status Active
Contact details
Alliance CEO Zagdul
Diplomat(s) Kaleb Rysode, Phey Onat
Public Channel FA Embassy
Website www.fatal-ascension.com
Executor Fatal Holdings
Members Fatal Holdings
Clan Shadow Wolf
Incompertus INC
House Aratus
Universal Fleet Operations
Fly Drunk
Stargate SG-1
Serenity Engineering And Transport Company
Federal Organisation for Outerspace Freedom
Bohemian Veterans
Nuclear Arms Exhcnage
Underworld Protection Agency
FA Alts
Balanced Unity
EVE Defence Force
Sons of 0din
Interwebs Cooter Explosion
Easy Co.
OX Syndicate Shipyards
Sigillum Militum Xpisti
Eve Liberation Force
Virtual Progression
Fa Logistics
Rydis Lovers Anonymous
Night Thiefs
Red Ochre Mining and Exploration
Elite Mining Services

Former members of the wider Providence community prior to the -A-, Atlas, Ushra'Khan et al invasion that saw CVA pushed from the region, Fatal Ascension sought a new home in 0.0, finding it temporarily in Scalding Pass alongside Primary., before ultimately becoming a guest of the Northern Coalition in Pure Blind. Following the fall of the old NC, FA currently hold Fade as a part of the CF Coalition.


Fatal Ascension appeared as an Alliance in January 2009 out of the ashes of Covenant Of Prophecy alliance. FA was originally the creation of the corporation Shadowed Command and its then-CEO, Raven Shadows. The Alliance was based in the Domain lowsec area surrounding Misaba and the Providence entry point of R3-K7K, where its leader and executor corporation owned and operated several POS towers. -FA- remained a modestly sized alliance for some time; first corporate recruits whips chains and ballgags departing within a month of joining.

Some degree of drama appears to have been involved in this departure and it started up a moderate rivalry between FA CEO Raven Shadows and WHIPS leader utchytotty which persisted during their time in Providence, and the latter's foundation of the Alliance Core Factor.

Life In Providence

Like many small-scale, carebear-friendly alliances at the time, the nascent Fatal Ascension spent time in Providence, enjoying the access to 0.0 security space allowed by the CVA's Not Red Don't Shoot policy and the relative safety this provided. As was also the case with other, Providence-based but non-holder Alliances, FA grew steadily and developed a good rapport with Curatores Veritatis, Sylph, Sev3rance and close allies Fidelas Constans and Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive.

As noted above, a mild rivalry existed between FA and Core Factor; mostly expressed by a lack of motivation on either part to assist the other and being generally dismissive of one another in public and private. By October 2010, FA had secured themselves a solid position in Providence, with several valuable moons; high standing with Curatores Veritatis Alliance, and the potential of being granted sovereign space within Providence. Fatal Ascension at this point, had also shifted its recruitment targets to more aggressive and active corporations, such as the PVP corps R.EVE.olution and Strategem Reloaded as part of their efforts to secure themselves a place in the region. Nevertheless, despite regular efforts to form patrols and roams within Providence and the work of US and EU 'admirals' Baggiosan and Laina Delapore, FA's PVP remained very much a small-scale thing.

You Shall Not Scalding Pass

Pure Blind, The NC and Goons

Some Former Corporations

Shadowed Command Dissolved following the leadership handover from Raven to Zagdul in early 2011. Active membership moved to Clan Shadow Wolf
Militaris Industries Departed FA for Cascade Imminent during the handover period.
Volition Cult Parted company with FA when the move from Fountain to Fade was declared after Mittanigrad, stating that they wished to take a break from sovereignty holding.
whips chains and ballgags First in, first out. Later formed their own alliance, Core Factor (now Care Factor). Currently holding space in Providence.
S0utherN Comfort

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