Talk:Data Centers

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Are you sure that Standing increases are unaffected by the players skill level in Social skill? Can a GM or ISD guy confirm this?

Missions Bugged

While attempting to do the amarr agents today i discovered 4 are currently bugged/have no mission to haend out (confirmed by a GM) i have marked these as bugged for other peoples reference.

Standing increases not correct

The standings increases for both faction and corp that I received for turning in the certificates was different than what was listed here. It was also different for different factions/corps. I turned in all three Gallante and Minmatar. All of my Gallente were .4702% for faction and 1.3433 for corp. All of my Minmatar were .4636 for faction and 1.5452 for corp.

There must be a variable here to the standings you get. My Social skill is level 5.

The standing gain numbers are no longer correct for many tags

As an example 18/10/10 I did turn in the following in on an alt: Blood Palladium Tags (Social 3) Faction 1,4276% Corp 4,7585%

a few years ago I turned the same ones in on my main: Blood Palladium Tags (Social 4) Faction 5,57% Corp 19,7%

The Guid lists: Blood Palladium Tags Corp: 16,67% Faction: 5%

While the guide is coherent with the old numbers, the new numbers clearly do not match.

Some more numbers

Example: is(should)

Sansha Palladium Tags Corp: 6,2308% (20%) Faction: 1,947% (6,25%)

Sansha Electrum Corp: 6,7497% (1,38%) Faction: 2,1093% (0,41%)

Sansha Crystal Corp: 6.6642% (14,7%) Faction: 2,0826% (4,5%)

Minmatar info missing

I'm filling in some of the Minmatar info as I go along, but don't have nearly all of it. Not sure why we have all the info for the other factions, but not Minmatar.

Standings are affeted by Social

Based on my experiences with two different characters, the standing gains are indeed influenced by you level of the Social skill

--Ruziel 16:39, 4 June 2009 (GMT)

Incorrect Tag Requirements

Demi Lazerus in the Polfaly system collects 3 NOT 10 Blood Copper Tags for the Amarr Navy

Nikmar Jyran in the Kudi System collects 3 NOT 10 Sansha Copper Tags for the Amarr Navy

I do not have confirmation at the other locations where Copper Tags are collected.

This page

This page is taken from where I spent 40 or more hours putting the data together. Really wish my name was listed as a top contributor. Uni Zueto 09:01, 13 November 2011 (UTC)

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