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Capsuleer Sariain Nad Desmone, born YC111 (or rather, awakened to service as a pilot,) is a drone command expert, with a wide skill set in spacecraft control, weapon discharge and control, and manuvering.


Sariain grew up on a small moon colony in Jufvitte. At the age of twelve, his father died after injuries sustained from an attack by a native creature on a nearby planet on which he was on a service call to. Sariain and his mother grew apart as he became more independant after the incident. Eventually, he decided to go to the Acadamy and take up starcraft engineering and flight principals. His plans to become an engineer quickly changed one day when an agent offered to pay for his way into capsuleer orientation. He quickly became interested in local law enforcement and started to work for Roden Corporation, command division.

Employment History

Before starting his career as a private entrepenuer, he had ties to Stonfist Pilots, in which his brother, Lenvin, worked as a smuggler. He started with a corporation called ``Under The Southern Cross`` which grew rapidly and then it`s members took leave to bigger and better opportunities. Later, he got involved with a corporation based in wormhole space (to which Sariain was completely new to at the time,) called Dark-Code-Holdings. DCH later incured several issues with members and management that caused Sariain and several others to leave. Upon leaving DCH, Sariain created his own corporation called ``Bantha Busters``, an anti pirate and new capsuleer training corporation.

Bantha Busters and Future Plans

Upon creation of Bantha Busters (BANTH), Sariains older brother, Lenvin, reunited with him and they are now in the corporate planning phase for recruitment and corporate operations.

With the new corp, they plan on setting up a Jufvitte based mining operation, wormhole scouting and running missions for Aliastra and Rodens corporations. Eventually a base of operations is forseeable in wormhole space, but no plans have been developed as of date.

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