Chasing the Dragon

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Revision as of 19:08, 25 March 2011 by MeatWar (Talk)

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Complex Details
Signature Strength  ??
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating 10/10
Security 0.0
Known Regions Metropolis
Pirate type Angel Cartel

Initial Message

"Your attention is drawn to one of the communication panels; It looks like you are receiving a transmission from one of the the few pirate ships that got away. It is only one word: "Help!" The device also shows the apparent location of the transmitter..."


Escalation Site 1

The Escalation consists of a Deadspace Pocket with some stuctures lightly guarded by:

  • 3 x Gistii Hijacker
  • 3 x Gistii Outlaw
  • 1 x Gistum Depradator

"Here the pirates have ditched one of their damaged frigates, you manage to enter its navigation systems and retrieve the last entered coordinates."

Escalation Message 2

"It seems like the weird sound once in a while coming from your left dashboard is not from the navigation computer after all, at least it seems to have calculated the whereabouts of these Gurista frigates pretty accurately. Not accurately enough though, as they warp out as soon as you enter space. Luckily your instruments manage to come up with a best approximation for their next destination."

Escalation Site 2

This is pretty much the same as last time. You warp in on top of the stargate which is this time defended by:

  • 1x Dread Guristas Despoiler
  • 4x Pithi Demolisher
  • 4x Pithior Supremacist

Killing the Dread Guristas frigate my result in further escalation.

Escalation Message 3

"Again you warp in to far and the Gurista ships slip away into space. Luckily they leave a predictable path. "

Escalation Site 3

For a third time, a guarded Gate with:

  • 1x Dread Guristas Saboteur
  • 3x Dire Pithi Wrecker
  • 3x Pithior Guerilla

Killing the Dread Guristas frigate may result in further escalation.

Activating the gate will bring you to a pocket with Eha and his two henchmen. Eha will get away but the henchmen will remain (you do not need to enter the pocket to continue the escalation).

  • 1x Pithi Infiltrator
  • 1x Pithi Invader

Escalation Message 4

"While fighting the two ships you managed to catch up with, the third one got away. Your instruments give no clue as to where it was headed, but just before it vanished, you picked up a distress signal from it, containing this location... "

Escalation Site 4

This time we are in a Dust Cloud again. There is also some Veldspar around, but, most notably, there is a small fleet of Guristas waiting:

  • 1x Pithi Demolisher
  • 3x Pithior Guerilla
  • 3x Pithior Terrorist
  • 3x Pithi Destructor [Last of Group triggers next Spawn]

The next spawn being:

  • 3x Pithi Despoiler [Last of Group triggers next Spawn]

Who in turn trigger Eha Hidaiki to appear. He/She is very easy to defeat and belongs to no faction.

Please note: Possible loot: Dread Gurista ammunition, Dread Gurista Tags, Pithi C-Type Small Shield Booster, Low-grade Crystal implant, Dread Loot

Final Message

"Obviously the distress signal made it through to the intended recipients, this was quite a reception. In any case, there are a bit less drug runners in space after this encounter... "
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