Template:Mercenary Organisation/Instructions
From Backstage Lore Wiki
Revision as of 18:08, 8 February 2011 by Bloodpetal (Talk)
This template is for use with Mercenary Organisation pages and helps you display an info box that helps interested parties know what you can offer at a glance.
Insert the following into your CORPORATION/ALLIANCE info UNDERNEATH the Corporation/Alliance Template. Adding this Template will automatically add your organization to the Category:Mercenary Organizations. If you wish to add your organization without using this template add [[Category:Mercenary Organizations]] to your page without this template.
Template:Mercenary Organisations
{{Mercenary Organisation |Contract Officer 1= Your first contact for contracts |Contract Officer 2= Your second (optional) |Contract Officer 3= Your third (optional) |Merc Count= Estimated number of ACTIVE Mercs that can be hired for a job. |Time Zones= (Euro, US, Pacific - please list all applicable) |Regions of Operation=Fill as appropriate - i.e. "Amarr Space", "Empire Hi-Sec", 0.0, All, or as necessary |Killboard Link= http://eve-kill.net/ |Forum Link= http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=channel&channelID=12451 |Bounty = Bounty/Assassination Services? Add Details if needed. |Cadre = Cadre/Training/Leadership Services? Add Details if needed. |Corp War= Corp War Services? Add Details if needed. |Espionage= Defense/Escort Services? Add Details if needed. |Moon Survey= Moon Survey/POS Location Services? Add Details if needed. |Privateer= 0.0/NBSI/Patrol Services? Add Details if needed. |Protection= Protection/ Defense/Escort Services? Add Details if needed. |PVE Assistance= NPC Killing Assistance Services? Add Details if needed. |Starbase Sieging = Starbase Sieging Services? Add Details if needed. }}