Nation war of resurgence

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This is a listing of news articles and events for the Nation’s Resurgence event.

Sanshas are abducting planetary citizens, and apparently indoctrinating them into True Sansha slaves. Rumor has it that Sansha himself is back. The Sanshas have somehow managed to manipulate wormhole space to their advantage, allowing them to strike anywhere on a whim. Somehow this is tied to the enigmatic Jove, although the extent of it isn’t clear yet. Video surveillance has revealed Sansha in Jove space, and it appears they have captured at least one Jove station.


Major Attacks and Events

05.07.112: Ducia Foundry Attack

"Ducia Foundry Team Target of Mysterious Attack

reported by ISD Ria Nicae, 2010.05.07 00:30:51

X-7OMU - Following up on an anonymous report, The Scope has obtained classified sensor data from a Sisters of Eve search vessel sent deep into w-space. The operation was undertaken at the request of Ducia Foundry for the recovery of a team which was reported missing earlier in the week. The leaked sensor data reveals damage visible on recovered ships and outpost structures which is minimal and does not follow known Sleepers attack patterns. All members of the missing team are as yet unaccounted for after a thorough search of the mining outpost. Ducia Foundry spokesman Youd Rassosa has declined to comment at this time."

It quickly became clear that this was an anomalous incident. The Synenose Accord's acting CEO Justin Vallar posted analysis on the attack. The situation appeared to quiet down, with no additional clues forthcoming. However, the SYNE emergency report would attract attention from an unlikely source. . .

05.07.112 to 05.10: Ishaeka Reports

Following the publication of the initial Synenose Report, Justin Vallar received a message from a source, who to this day, remains unnamed, even to major figures within the Coalition.

"I trust that you will be discrete when it comes to questions as to how you stumbled upon this. My name must not arise, and if it does, I will disappear as fast as it took me to compose this message.

This is what you should know

link redacted

The Ducia incident is not what you think, but if you can help us spread the actual truth of the incident, we can perhaps help with your own cause.

Please, set the record straight. The public, and you capsuleers, must be aware of the threat that is looming in the south. Spread the truth. CONCORD is hiding something from you. "

The link lead to a series of documents, hosted on an external server. At this point in time, there were only two available, Ishaeka 01 and 15. Report number 15 directly related to the events of earlier the previous week, which was thought to be a fluke accident.

It was not. Sansha's Nation was behind it.

The Synenose Accord Reactivates

Following acquisition of the Ishaeka Reports, Justin Vallar reactivated The Synenose Accord. Attempting to keep the specifics of the information from leaking out, lest Nation be alerted, the Accord and associated entities, such as Moira. Corporation, Kumiho's Smile, and Moira. Vanguard, formed an expedition to the system mentioned in Ishaeka 15: X-7OMU (System). The fleet of Strategic Cruisers reached the location of the Nation sighting, however, nothing was to be found. They returned to base empty-handed.

It is at this time that the w-space system that the Nation forces emerged from, J235456 (System), was identified as the likely location of the Ducia Foundry facility that was attacked on the 7th. As such, resources were allocated to finding wormholes to this system over the course of the next month. It would take some time, however, to locate one leading to the class-five system.

Controlled Diffusion of Ishaeka

Julianus Soter, founder of the Synenose Accord, began to distribute the Ishaeka reports to trusted individuals in the capsuleer community, from all faction backgrounds. The objective was to raise awareness in controlled manner, preventing blow back from Nation and CONCORD. Abess Ashar KorAzor, Evanda Char, "Stitcher" Verin Hakatain, Jonny Damordred, Aurora Morgan, and others were given the documets so their respective groups and factions could prepare.

05.11.112: The First Wave

Nation would act swiftly, however. Within four days of the Ducia Foundry Attack, reports started trickling in: Kaaputenen, Frarn, Renyn, Ashab. What was happening? What could be done about it? These were the questions that dominated early debate and response. Initially, local Capsuleer forces, mission runners, contracters, etc, provided the first line of defense against the Nation attacks. But things would change as Nation changed its targets, requiring more coordination and cooperation between Capsuleer factions.

Confusion and Verification

SYNEPublic, the channel Justin Vallar created in response to the Ishaeka Reports and the reactivation of the Synenose Accord, would provide the first channel dedicated to responding to the incidents. As soon as Frarn was reported, Justin and Julianus made the decision to release the Ishaeka reports to the general public.

Publishing of Ishaeka

The reports were placed on the IGS, and the thread they were hosted on would become a cauldrun of activity and controversy. Nation and anti-Nation capsuleers alike would use it to trade barbs, pass information, and discuss the unfolding crisis. It would also attract the attention of Operation Ishaeka, whose Vieve Creston would be assigned to the so-called "problem" of its publication. Vieve Creston would be an ellusive figure over the coming weeks, making only one public statement, following the uproar over CONCORD's obfuscation of the Sansha activity.

"Vieve Creston

DED 2010.05.13 215400

It is capsuleer forces that have led these invasions and the same intelligence you have stolen from us shows clearly that it is also capsuleer support that enabled the organization of these incursions in the first place.

Until such time as we can be assured that the dissemination of intelligence amongst capsuleers does not in fact further the NationFs goal, the current protocol will continue."

05.12.112: First Battle of Tama and Lowsec Engagements

The first sign of the Nation attack at Tama (System) occured with reports at roughly 19:00 hours. Many were skeptical of the reality of the attack, as it was a heavily contested system between the Federal Defense Union and the State Protectorate, waring militia forces for the Federation and State, respectively. Initial scouting down by pilots loyal to the Synenose Coalition, however, revealed the nature of the threat.

" (2010.05.12 190627) Seriphyn Inhonores > Heads up, we have reports in Tama."

FDU forces would respond to the attack, leading to some capsuleer cross fire in the lowsec engagement. It became clear immediately, however, that this invasion was different. Slave 32152, the field commander of Nation at the battle, was flying an Archon-class carrier, an unprecedented escalation of Nation's capabilities at the wormhole battles. Eventually, Nation forces would be beaten back, but not without a hundred thousand being taken from the system's colonies.

Nation would then continue to launch a string of lowsec incursions throughout empire space, using the confusion to their advantage. One of particular note was in Kamela, where an Amarrian special forces commander would order Imperial loyalist forces to engage and destroy any Minmatar-affiliated ships on the field, after the Nation threat was destroyed. A number of losses were confirmed, on both sides, following the skirmish.

" Ihsam Dasirel > This is Admiral Ihsam Dasirel of the Amarr Navy High Command elite taskforce. All faithful squadrons are hereby instructed to engage all Minmatar Republic ships."

05.13.112: Attacks Continue in Highsec

Pattern Develops


05.14.112: First Battle of Intaki

Main Engagement

Fall of Rallence Ameteves

05.14.112: Invasion of Arnon

Simultaneous Wormhole Openings

Fleet Destroys Sutola Endoma's Ship

05.14.112: Battle of Vevelonel

Phoenix Alliance Comes to the Defense

Heavenbound and Son Captured

05.15.112: Second Battle of Tama

Return of Slave Tama01

05.15.112: Second Battle of Intaki

Involvement of Opportunists

05.16.112: Attacks Continue

More True Slaves Take the Stage

Heavenbound Returns

05.16.112: Battle of Lustrevik

Sutola Endoma Returns, Turns Traitor, and Destroyed by Fleet

05.16.112: Operation Snowblind Launched, Sutola's Clones Killed

05.17.112: Battle of Ostingele

Two Million Taken

05.17.112: Raid on Taisy Prime

Kyonoke Virus Acquired by Nation

05.19.112: Sutola's Revenge

Sutola Returns as Slave Endoma01 At Vlillier

05.20.112: Third Battle of Intaki

Mystery of Wormholes Revealed

In the middle of a fight in the Romi system, a squad of capsuleers conducted a seemingly successful test of commercially available ECM equipment against a Sansha wormhole. The test pointed to the possibility that the artificial wormholes could be destabilized using large amounts of gravimetric waves.

05.21.112: The 21st of May

Four Simultaneous Attacks

05.21.112: Deception at Maut

05.22.112: The Great Lull

06.13.112: Return of Nation: Probing Attacks Launched

06.25.112: Revelation at Huttaken

Nation Base of Operations Revealed

06.26.112: Invasion of Yulai

10.05.112: Battle of Hek

12.03.112: Antem and Anyed

Intercepted Nation transmissions pointed to the Antem and Anyed systems as their next target. In response, the Synenose Coalition mounted an operation to evacuate and fortify the three inhabited planets in these systems.

The expected assault commenced on 12.05.112. However, the attacks at Anyed and Antem turned out as a mere diversion from the main objective - to establish a communications uplink in the Imya system. The Sansha commander on site, Slave 32152, managed to activate this uplink and send a datastream of unknown purpose just seconds before the destruction of her Chimera class carrier.

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