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Revision as of 18:10, 31 March 2010

Ammunition is what modules are loaded with. The charges get loaded into turrets and fired at the target, the crystals are put in the energy weapons, and the scripts are expended. Charges come in different sizes, types, and damage type. For projectile turrets, the sizes range from small to extra large, and must be loaded to the according size of gun. Also, hybrid turrets cannot fit the ammunition for autocannons and vice versa. Ammunition such as this also includes missiles, which are different in a number of ways. Missiles also come in different sizes, types, and damage types. Sizes are not so much how large but which launcher it was intended for. You could not fit heavy assault missiles in a standard launcher, for instance. Missiles also deal different damage types, such as the missiles for EM and Thermal. Crystals are different because they are not fired. Crystals modulate the frequencies of energy projections onto different wavelengths. Basically they make the beam work. The crystals for energy weapons modulate the weapons onto different frequencies, that may procude thermal, emp, or just extend the range of the gun. Mining crystals modulate the beam of the modulated mining lasers and modulated strip miners onto different frequencies, according to the asteroid you are fitting crystals for. These two types of crystals are not interchangable. Scripts are different, for they neither fire nor modulate. Scripts produce a certain effect on the target, and are expended after use. Probes are most comparable to charges, as they are loaded and fired, yet only certain types are meant to impact, and usually deal no damage. Probes are scanning devices launched from specific launchers (called probe launchers) on a ship, and then either carry on with that velocity, stop, or accelerate. Probes can do a variety of things, such as map systems, scan asteroid belts for their different ores, or scan moons to see what they contain. Finally, we get to the nanite repair pastes. Nanite pastes do not repair your ship, nor are they launched at an enemy or modulate energy emissions. Nanite repair paste repairs turrets when they take damage from being overloaded. These are much more effective than skills, but not as easily carried as they expend themselves after use, and outfitting an entire fleet with this is not plausible without supply ships. Bombs are similair to probes, yet are weapons. Bombs are launched from a ship that then pulls away to avoid an explosion, because bombs carry on with the speed that the ship launching them had. Expensive, bombs can deal battleship- killing blows with only a few hits. In conclusion, charges are loaded and fired, crystals modulate the beams of energy, scripts mess with the game, probes scan, and nanites fix your misused modules.

  • Note: ammunition, charges, missiles, and bombs are the only items that may be present and loaded from the cargohold of ships. The rest must be fitted in stations.
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