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Revision as of 13:59, 9 March 2010

Complex Details
Sansha Port
Signature Strength NA
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating unrated
Security 0.0
Known Regions Sansha Regions
Pirate type Sansha's Nation

Sansha Hub is a cosmic anomaly with True Sansha Rats.

Basic overview

The anomaly starts with a handful of frigates and cruisers, after you kill the first load more will spawn, this will carry on with no major fleet to worry about. The damage is minimal with any battlecruiser being able to tank it. The anomaly is easy to do solo but none of the ships drop anything of above normal value.

Total Bounties: 2,239,939isk

Spawns details

Spawn 1

  • 4 x Centior Horror
  • 4 x Centum Ravisher
  • 1 x Sansha Heavy Missile Battery

Defense Commander: We have incoming! All ships, engage the hostiles and buy the transports time to escape. We need that ore out of here!

Transport Captain: We're in the middle of loading operations. There's no chance in hell we can take off any time soon!

Spawn 2

  • 4 x Centatis Phantasm
  • 4 x Centior Devourer

Reenforcements arrive to bolster the defences. Their arrival comes to late for their comrades however.

Spawn 3

  • 4 x Centatis Specter
  • 4 x Centum Hellhound

More ships warp in as the engagement escalates!

Spawn 4

  • 2 x Centus Lord
  • 1 x Centior Monster

Further reenforcements arrive at the scene.

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