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==Joining BOOST==
==Joining BOOST==
Blue Sun Trust is currently [[Recruiting|recruiting]] small corporations focused on [[Wormhole|wormhole]] [[Exploration|exploration]] and colonization. Corps are required  to maintain their own pos and an active presence in thei settled system.<br>
Blue Sun Trust is currently [[Recruiting|recruiting]] small corporations focused on [[Wormhole|wormhole]] [[Exploration|exploration]] and colonization. Corps are required  to maintain their own POS and an active presence in their settled system.<br>
'''What the alliance offers'''<br>
'''What the alliance offers'''<br>

Revision as of 11:44, 1 April 2009

File:BOOST Logo.jpg
Name Blue Sun Trust
Ticker BOOST
Type W-Space Colonization
Founded 2007.04.08
Status Active
Contact details
Alliance CEO Hakuriu
Diplomat(s) Hakuriu
Public Channel BOOST
Website bluesuntrust.com
Executor Divide By Zero
Members Collateral Impact

Boost Milk Farmers Union
Organic Construction Automatons
Divide By Zero
Antimatter Inc
CRMP Academy
Cause of Crisis
The Royal Bears
Security and Strategy Corporation
Active Exploration Organisation
Off-Axis Response
Myon Decay
Infinite Possiblities Corporation

Blue Sun Trust (BOOST) is a player alliance dedicated to the exploration, exploitation and colonization of Wormhole Space.


Founded April 8, 2007 by Sam Reynolds of Blue Sun Holdings, BOOST has been home to over 40 corporations during the first two years of its existence. The history of BOOST can be divided roughly into 4 segments:

Phase 1: The Rising of Blue Sun

Ranging from the alliance's creation in April of 2007 to December of 2007, this period of BOOST's history ends with the departure of founding member and alliance commander Hakuriu. Command of the alliance at that point was assigned to Mercenaries 4 Hire CEO, MKB Industries.

Phase 2: Mercenaries at the Helm

This segment of BOOST history ranges from the beginning of MKB's command through to a complete alliance restructure on 2008.03.07 that lead to the departure of 6 corps, most notably Mercenaries 4 Hire and the last remaining founding corporation, Blue Sun Security.

Phase 3: MPACT and T-RET

The restructuring on 2008.03.07 led to an alliance primarily dominated by Terminal Impact Enterprises and Third Return Inc. In November of 2008, MPACT merged with T-RET, leaving Third Return Inc. as the primary corporation in the alliance.

Phase 4: Into the Dark

In March of 2009, alliance founder Hakuriu rejoined the alliance and took over executorship of the alliance as CEO of Divide By Zero. With the release of Apocrypha, the focus of the alliance began to shift away from a long history of anti-piracy and high-sec industry towards wormhole exploration and W-Space colonization.

Alliance Goals and Structure

The following alliance charter outlines alliance goals, leadership structure, strategies and alliance fees.

Alliance goals

- To provide a safe and secure environment for harvesting Sleeper Tech, gases and high end minerals
- To expand steadily throughout W-Space to provide maximum resources and prepare for possible w-space sovereignty
- To be the largest and most successful dedicated W-Space alliance

Leadership Structure

At the top of the food chain is the alliance commander, who has the final say in all alliance wide matters, always in the best interest of all those involved.

Next in the chain are the alliance commander's two immediate councilors, one each for security and industry. Their responsibility is to summarize the state of the alliance in their prospective areas and report to the alliance commander with their findings and any alliance-wide concerns. Any system commander, CEO or director can discuss issues and concerns with the appropriate councilor. Councilors may make decisions within their prospective area of concentration, or bring issues to a vote between the councilors and the alliance commander.

Reporting to those councilors are system commanders, one for each system that the alliance claims and operates within. Each system commander in turn may have dedicated security and industry advisers (depending on system size) to keep them aware of activity within their system, and any excursions made by their system inhabitants into neighboring systems.

It is up to system commanders to determine the human resources needed within their systems to harvest the resources within, in a secure manner and without fully depleting those resources. That may be one corp or ten corps depending on corp size and capabilities, as well as the difficulty levels of the system itself. A large enough corp may also be responsible for more than one system. System commanders are also responsible for aiding in the recruitment effort to find corps to bring into the alliance to fill their system's needs.

The councilors and alliance commander maintain an open-door policy, meaning anyone in the alliance may come to them if they feel their concerns are not being fairly represented by their directors or system commanders.


Corporation activities can be roughly divided into the categories of security and industry. Some corps focus more heavily on one and require supporting corps in their systems to provide the other. Some corps are able to cover both areas equally well.

System commanders are sovereign in their system and are responsible for creating working strategies for balancing available resources with the size, type and number of corps working within the system. The primary security and industry councilors provide guidance based upon information gathered about what works and what doesn't as time goes by.

Resource distribution is handled at the system level by System Commanders under the advisement of the alliance commander and primary councilors to ensure the best use of knowledge gained throughout the alliance.

Alliance Fees

In order to fund the alliance without alliance leadership getting intimately involved with the financial operations of each system or corp, fees are demanded at the system level, with the responsibility for paying those fees resting with the System Commander. How each commander chooses to collect the fees within their systems is up to them to decide. The current fee is set at 10mil x system class per month (i.e. a class 5 system would pay 50 mil). Fees are used to pay alliance maintenance fees as well as to build a general alliance fund for emergencies or future alliance scale activities and assets.

Joining BOOST

Blue Sun Trust is currently recruiting small corporations focused on wormhole exploration and colonization. Corps are required to maintain their own POS and an active presence in their settled system.

What the alliance offers
- A structured methodology for W-Space system colonization
- Sharing of W-Space strategies and system information
- Geographically dispersed combat and logistical support
- Closed inter-corporation trade of W-Space materials for T3 production
- Access to higher class systems
- Strength in Numbers
- Funding for alliance level operations
- Website and Forums
- Alliance vent server
- Alliance killboard

Join the BOOST channel in-game and talk to Hakuriu for more information.

BOOST Alumni

Blue Sun Holdings until 2007.09.27
Blue Sun Mining until 2007.10.15
Blue Sun Security until 2008.03.07
Union Enterprises until 2007.08.20
Merchant Pimps (very short stay, dates unknown)
Blue Sun Ltd. until 2007.09.06
Occultus Ignis 2007.06.19 to 2007.09.06
MKS Directorate 2007.06.21 to 2007.09.03
Orphius Mining Authority 2007.06.21 to 2007.09.29
Banned Brothers 2007.07.08 to 2007.10.04
Core Element 2007.07.12 to 2007.09.17
Long Fangs 2007.07.17 to 2007.11.15
Shiny Toy Guns 2007.07.19 to 2007.09.21
Veteran Elite Tactical Squad 2007.07.31 to 2007.09.06
Crazy Canucks 2007.08.06 to 2007.12.07
Mercenaries 4 Hire 2007.08.24 to 2008.03.07 (with 1 lapse)
Friendly Mining Corp 2007.08.23 to 2008.07.27 (with 2 lapses)
Illudium Space Products 2007.08.31 to 2008.02.12 (with 1 lapse)
Frozen Tundra 2007.09.23 to 2007.10.07
Empyrean Ascendance 2007.10.15 to 2007.12.29
Neuronix 2007.10.22 to 2008.03.08
Terminal Impact Enterprises 2007.12.07 to 2008.11.16
Obsidian Heavy Industries 2007.12.20 to 2008.03.07
Covert-Nexus 2007.12.21 to 2008.03.07
Star Frontiers 2008.01.03 to 2008.03.07
Interstellar Collections 2008.01.03 to 2008.01.30
Teh Corporation 2008.01.04 to 2008.01.26
Knights of the Blue Sun 2008.02.02 to 2008.07.07
Third Return Inc. 2008.02.15 to 2009.03.25
Cyrano Technologies 2008.02.26 to 2008.07.08
Advanced Planetary Exports 2008.05.10 to 2008.05.28
One Foot in the Grave 2008.07.01 to 2008.07.17
No Nerdrage 2008.07.25 to 2008.09.18
Boost Milk Farmers Union 2008.07.27 to present
Legio Ferrata 2008.08.31 to 2008.09.17
Centrafuge 2008.09.14 to 2008.12.06
Organic Construction Automatons 2008.11.11 to present (with 1 lapse)
Army of the 4 Races 2008.12.25 to 2009.03.23
Collateral Impact 2009.02.22 to present
Divide by Zero 2009.03.15 to present
Antimatter Inc 2009.03.23 to present
CRMP Academy 2009.03.26 to present
Cause of Crisis 2009.03.26 to present
The Royal Bears 2009.03.26 to present
Security and Strategy Corporation from 2009.03.28 to present
Active Exploration Organisation from 2009.03.29 to present
Off-Axis Response from 2009.03.31 to present
Myon Decay from 2009.04.01 to present
Infinite Possibilities Corporation from 2009.04.01 to present

Personal tools
