Difference between revisions of "Talk:Install EVE on Linux with Wine"

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(Suggested edit - Gecko Install)
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: Interesting trick installing IE to get Gecko also installed.  Gecko is Mozilla's webpage rendering engine.  Firefox being the reference application for it.  Most pre-installed Linux desktops have a Gecko based browser built in theses days.<br><br>I guess installing the Linux version of Firefox would achieve the same result.  [[Contributor name:Solbright|Solbright]] 12:27, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
: Interesting trick installing IE to get Gecko also installed.  Gecko is Mozilla's webpage rendering engine.  Firefox being the reference application for it.  Most pre-installed Linux desktops have a Gecko based browser built in theses days.<br><br>I guess installing the Linux version of Firefox would achieve the same result.  [[Contributor name:Solbright|Solbright]] 12:27, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
:: This could be done at the winetricks line, simply add option '''gecko'''. You are not really installing IE when doing the above. If any windows app running under wine needs ie (mshtml?) to render something, wine checks if gecko is installed or else prompts the user to install it. So all web rendering is made by gecko instead of ie. Putting it in the winetricks line would streamline this. [[Contributor name:Debeus|Debeus]] 06:50, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
== Why do I need "emulate a virtual desktop"? ==
== Why do I need "emulate a virtual desktop"? ==

Revision as of 01:50, 24 February 2009

Comments by Sevarus

Put this in the forum, but figure better to get the info here as well:

[edit]Edited by: Sevarus James on 17/01/2009 09:03:27[/edit] [quote] Configuring wine to work with EVE

Open winecfg (usually found in Applications > Wine > Configure Wine), click on the graphics tab, and click "emulate a virtual desktop". You will need to download d3dx9_35 and place it in ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32. Once that is done, open winecfg again and click the libraries tab. Find d3dx9_35 in the drop down list and add it. Click on d3dx9_35 in the existing overrides window and click edit, then click "Native then builtin". [/quote]

That bit in the wiki regarding the d3dx9_35 file...I've NEVER needed to do that and EVE has worked fine. Just curious but why is that necessary?

I just deinstalled Wine and wiped out my entire ~/.wine/ structure. All 9 Gigs of it. Reinstall Wine and Eve, nothing more, haven't even let Eve run yet. And right at the end of the Eve install process one d3dx9_35.dll file appeared in the windoze/system32 directory. So, certainly no need for redownloading that file. Solbright 13:33, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

[quote]You will also need to install arial.ttf. To do this, install the package "msttcorefonts". After the package is installed, move /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts. [/quote]

I do NOT recommend that as a solution. Creating a symlink of the folder "fonts" and replacing the default "fonts" directory with it in the .wine folder works as well, OR just COPY the arial file over. Many of us use the arial font for other things, and if you move it out of the true type directory this can cause problems for other applications.

Moving is out of the question (requires root/sudo anyway). If we are telling users to use winetricks to install corefonts, we might as well leave this alone, or at least say copy / symlink to. Debeus 06:36, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

Under the multiple clients section, you also will probably want to add (for clarity) that the user CAN change the windowed resolution to whatever suits them. 800x600 is awfully small and 'under' the minimum recommended rez for running EVE anyway.

My thoughts. [:D]

This was written for multiple clients, but it is currently needed as a workaround with focus issues (ie: switching to another app, then coming back locks eve). It should be rewritten as such (meaning its needed to launch), see my post here: [1]. Of course if you are doing your custom launcher with this setting, you don't need to change your default wine settings by enabling this option in winecfg as suggested by Sevarus (and its bothersome to leave it as default, try switching within wine apps). Debeus 06:36, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

Good stuff setting that page up....should save us time and effort over ludicrously difficult and fruitless forum searches. bravo!

Editing the article

I just noticed that Aurix Lexico has said he can't edit the article. Which just happened to coincide with my own edit. The correlation suggests maybe there can only be one pending contributor to a section at a time. Which does make some sense.

Cause is confirmed - Editing, question #8. Solbright 23:16, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

Two suggestions:

  • Needs verified but splitting the article up into more than one section might help.
  • More discussions in this talk page first, which doesn't have approvals, to reduce the frequency of edits to the article page.

Solbright 22:44, 17 January 2009 (UTC)


Well, just got approved and the first thing that stands out for me is the page layout is now screwed - It's gone way too wide for me. I have to scroll my browser window left to right to read the article now. Anyone else? Solbright 23:48, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

I've now submitted a fixed version that displays correctly. I wasn't using bullets correctly and it was trying to fit the whole bullet on a single line. Solbright 11:57, 18 January 2009 (UTC)

Wine on OS X

The general outlines in the article will also apply for OS X. But instead of downloading from the Wine developers directly, you would download Crossover and then install the Windows version of Eve.

This should provide, on the Mac, all the goodness that Linux Eve'ers are enjoying right now.  :)

Might need to change the title of the article though. Something like Using Wine to run Eve Online.

Wine on OS X build guides

New entries for the article

  1. Squably just mentioned adding in the current stability workaround of forcing full-screen mode into a virtual desktop (window). This can be achieved either with Wine's winecfg program, setting a virtual desktop, or by specifying the same in the launch command, , or even using the window manager to force Wine or Eve to be a window. In my case I've used KDE's window manager to make it a borderless hotkeyless background window. I then manage the Eve window with the task bar which I can shrink away to the corner of the screen when I'm fully immersed in Eve. Solbright 13:06, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

  2. http://wiki.winehq.org/Recommended_Packages

  3. There is a recent focus switching bug that has crept in. When the Eve window is to be passed focus from another program's window there appears to be something like a 50/50 chance of a crash. With the resulting - wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x0000006c at address 0x10051585 (thread 0019), starting debugger...

    One work-around is to always minimise Eve when doing something else on the desktop.

Suggested edit - Gecko Install

Hi all, thanks for this guide was really helpful with getting it running on my Intrepid Ibex :) However, there was one more step I had to follow to get it to work:

Install Gecko - Gecko is something I know nothing about, however in my case it was required to let anything running on WINE speak to the interwebs properly. This was both using wireless and a wired connection. Without it, EVE would not load the EULA, so I could not agree and start to use the game. Steam would hang on "Updating 0%".

Installing Gecko is easily done with $wine iexplore www.google.com

IE prompts you to install it on first run, after that is done EVE loads the EULA and works beautifully, and Steam did too :) - however not with premium content, I'm using a laptop ATI Mobility Radeon card which isn't exactly what you would call "supported" by WINE as I understand it.

cheers Cornelius :)

Interesting trick installing IE to get Gecko also installed. Gecko is Mozilla's webpage rendering engine. Firefox being the reference application for it. Most pre-installed Linux desktops have a Gecko based browser built in theses days.

I guess installing the Linux version of Firefox would achieve the same result. Solbright 12:27, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
This could be done at the winetricks line, simply add option gecko. You are not really installing IE when doing the above. If any windows app running under wine needs ie (mshtml?) to render something, wine checks if gecko is installed or else prompts the user to install it. So all web rendering is made by gecko instead of ie. Putting it in the winetricks line would streamline this. Debeus 06:50, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

Why do I need "emulate a virtual desktop"?

I play Eve in fullscreen and havn't checked the "emulate a virtual desktop" option. I havn't tried it windowed. I guess this option is needed only to play Eve in window mode. --Luteros 15:45, 12 February 2009 (UTC)

There is a bug where eve will crash if it loses/regains focus and it is not in "emulate a virtual desktop" mode. Updated wiki to reflect this --Ek Onkar 03:23, 19 February 2009 (UTC)
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