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Revision as of 13:33, 16 February 2009

Qualifying Day 1 - January 24th, 2009

Time Team A Team B Winner
15:00 R.E.P.O. vs Cry Havoc. Cry Havoc.
15:20 Against ALL Authorities vs Notoriety Alliance Against ALL Authorities
16:00 The Kadeshi vs Chain of Chaos The Kadeshi
16:20 Cult of War vs ATLAS ALLIANCE Cult of War
16:40 Alternative Realities vs Dead Terrorists Dead Terrorists
17:00 Divine Order vs HUN Reloaded HUN Reloaded
18:20 Exquisite Malevolence vs Blade. Blade.
18:40 Dawn of Transcendence vs The Wrong Alliance The Wrong Alliance
19:00 Capital.Punishment vs Caldari FW Team Caldari FW Team
19:20 R.U.R. vs Celestial Imperative R.U.R.
20:00 White Core vs Electus Matari Electus Matari
20:20 Otherworld Empire Productions vs Ushra'Khan Ushra'Khan
20:40 Manifest Destiny. vs Fifth Freedom Manifest Destiny.

Qualifying Day 2 - January 25th, 2009

Time Team A Team B Winner
15:00 The InterBus Initiative vs Amarr FW Team The InterBus Initiative
15:20 Prime Orbital Systems vs Tenth Legion Tenth Legion
15:40 Frater Adhuc Excessum vs Firmus Ixion Firmus Ixion
16:00 Gallente FW Team vs IDLE EMPIRE Gallnete FW Team
16:20 KIA Alliance vs The Bastards. The Bastards.
16:40 The Five vs Intrepid Crossing The Five
17:00 SOLAR FLEET vs Minmatar FW Team SOLAR FLEET
17:20 Chubby Chuppers Chubba vs The Star Fraction Chubby Chuppers Chubba
18:20 Unaffiliated vs Gay4Life Gay4Life
18:40 The Honda Accord vs Privateer Alliance Privateer Alliance
19:00 Agony Empire vs BeachBoys BeachBoys
19:20 PuPPet MasTers vs Molotov Coalition PuPPet MasTers
19:40 Pandemic Legion vs Systematic-Chaos Pandemic Legion
20:00 Ev0ke vs Goonswarm Ev0ke
20:20 The Church. vs RUDE Alliance The Church.
20:40 Veni Vidi Vici vs The Fourth District The Fourth District

Qualifying Day 3 - January 31st, 2009

Time Team A Team B Winner
15:00 Prime Orbital Systems vs Dawn of Transcendence Prime Orbital Systems
15:20 Exquisite Malevolence vs IDLE EMPIRE IDLE EMPIRE
15:40 Fifth Freedom vs B.L.A.C.K. B.L.A.C.K.
16:00 A.X.I.S vs Intrepid Crossing Intrepid Crossing
16:20 Frater Adhuc Excessum vs The Honda Accord The Honda Accord
16:40 White Core vs R.E.P.O. R.E.P.O.
17:00 KIA Alliance vs Atrocitas Atrocitas
17:20 RUDE Alliance vs Goonswarm Goonswarm
18:20 The InterBus Initiative vs Ushra'Khan Ushra'Khan
18:40 Manifest Destiny. vs Caldari FW Team Manifest Destiny.
19:00 Tenth Legion vs The Wrong Alliance The Wrong Alliance
19:20 Blade. vs Gallente FW Team Blade.
20:00 The Five vs Firmus Ixion The Five
20:20 Privateer Alliance vs Electus Matari Electus Matari
20:40 Cry Havoc. vs The Bastards. Cry Havoc.

Qualifying Day 4 - February 1st, 2009

Time Team A Team B Winner
15:00 Minmatar FW Team vs Notoriety Alliance Notoriety Alliance
15:20 Divine Order vs Chain of Chaos Chain of Chaos
15:40 Celestial Imperative vs Veni Vidi Vici Veni Vidi Vici
16:00 Systematic-Chaos vs Capital.Punishment Capital.Punishment
16:20 Alternative Realities vs Otherworld Empire Productions Otherworld Empire Productions
16:40 Chubby Chuppers Chubba vs Gay4Life Gay4Life
17:00 Amarr FW Team vs Agony Empire Agony Empire
17:20 ATLAS ALLIANCE vs Molotov Coalition Molotov Coalition
18:20 PROBABLE CAUSE vs The Church. The Church.
18:40 Ev0ke vs SOLAR FLEET Ev0ke
19:00 Against ALL Authorities vs HUN Reloaded Against ALL Authorities
19:20 The Kadeshi vs R.U.R. R.U.R.
19:40 The Fourth District vs Pandemic Legion Pandemic Legion
20:00 Dead Terrorists vs The Star Fraction Dead Terrorists
20:20 Unaffiliated vs BeachBoys Unaffiliated
20:40 Cult of War vs PuPPet MasTers Cult of War

Round 1 - February 7th, 2009

Time Team A Team B Winner
15:00 R.U.R. vs Chain of Chaos R.U.R.
15:20 Ushra'Khan vs Molotov Coalition Ushra'Khan
15:40 Unaffiliated vs Capital.Punishment Unaffiliated
16:00 The Church. vs Firmus Ixion Firmus Ixion
16:20 Dead Terrorists vs Privateer Alliance Dead Terrorists
16:40 Blade. vs G00DFELLAS G00DFELLAS
17:00 Cry Havoc. vs Gay4Life Cry Havoc.
17:20 The Five vs Veni Vidi Vici The Five 18:20 HUZZAH FEDERATION vs BeachBoys HUZZAH FEDERATION
18:40 Manifest Destiny. vs Agony Empire Agony Empire
19:00 Ev0ke vs The Fourth District Ev0ke
19:20 Electus Matari vs The Star Fraction The Star Fraction
19:40 Against ALL Authorities vs HUN Reloaded Against ALL Authorities
20:00 Cult of War vs Otherworld Empire Productions Cult of War
20:20 The Kadeshi vs The Wrong Alliance The Wrong Alliance
20:40 Pandemic Legion vs PROBABLE CAUSE Pandemic Legion

Round 2 - February 8th, 2009

Time Team A Team B Winner
15:00 R.U.R. vs Ushra'Khan R.U.R.
15:20 Unaffiliated vs Firmus Ixion Unaffiliated
15:40 Dead Terrorists vs G00DFELLAS G00DFELLAS
16:00 Cry Havoc. vs The Five The Five
16:20 HUZZAH FEDERATION vs Agony Empire Agony Empire
16:40 Ev0ke vs The Star Fraction Ev0ke
17:00 Against ALL Authorities vs Cult of War Cult of War
17:20 The Wrong Alliance vs Pandemic Legion Pandemic Legion

Quarter Finals - February 8th, 2009

Time Team A Team B Winner
18:00 R.U.R. vs Unaffiliated R.U.R.
18:20 G00DFELLAS vs The Five G00DFELLAS
18:40 Agony Empire vs Ev0ke Ev0ke
19:00 Cult of War vs Pandemic Legion Pandemic Legion

Semi Finals - February 8th, 2009

Time Team A Team B Winner
20:00 R.U.R. vs G00DFELLAS R.U.R.
20:30 Ev0ke vs Pandemic Legion Pandemic Legion

Final Match - February 8th, 2009

Time Team A Team B Tournament Champion
21:00 R.U.R. vs Pandemic Legion Pandemic Legion
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