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The Ishtar, a Gallente heavy assault ship that makes an amazingly good pirate hunting (ratting) platform for 0.0. When many people think about killing the dangerous pirate battleships for profit, they think of the Caldari Raven or Drake. At least, they think of using a battlecruiser or battleship. The Ishtar, however, is the perfect example of how a heavy assault ship can make an excellent ratting platform.

The Ishtar is a teir-2 ship, and so, requires a little higher skill investment to be able to fly it. ( Gallente Frigate IV and Gallente Cruiser V ) However, this investment isn't exceptionally large, since you would need Cruisers to level 4 in order to fly Battleships. In addition, it can be said that the Ishtar is a better ratting platform than many Battleships, and Battlecruisers out there.

Principles of Fitting Your Ishtar

What Kind of Tank?


Looting Devices

Example Fitting

Passive Tank Fitting

Drone Selection

High Slots


The basic tactic of Rifter combat is to settle into a comfortable orbit around your .




Relevant Skills

Basic Skills

To fit the buffer tanked version of the Rifter you will need the following skills:

The active tanking version also requires:

Advanced Skills

There are two main groups of skills that will improve your effectiveness in the Rifter. These are the gunnery and navigation skills. If you want to fly the active tanked version then capacitor skills will also prove to be important. I would recommend that you make it your aim to train the following skills up to at least level three, preferably level four. I didn't start to fly cruisers until I'd got all my gunnery skills to four and most of my navigation skills at least to three.

If you want to use an active tank then the following will all help too:

Personal tools
