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Revision as of 18:24, 2 January 2009

This page needs MAJOR clean up still. I'm not sure why we have this Fitting Ships page and the Ship Fitting Guide. And these pages generally are for more advanced players, not brand new players who don't even know what a high slot module is. I think we need a template for some guides that say 'Stop if you don't understand the language here and do the tutorials in game.' or something similar. Here are my updates for the ships that the stupid locked page won't let me check in.--Kismeteer 23:38, 2 January 2009 (UTC)

Fitting Role


A tackler's job is to hold a target in place, allowing other gang members to kill the enemy. Almost all PVP requires a tackler of some variety, and they generally fly less expensive ships.

  • Any ship can hold tackling capability. But frigates or interceptors are the most common choice for solo purpose use.
  • The primary weapon of the tackler, a warp disruptor or warp scrambler is used to prevent ships from warping. Warp scramblers will also prevent targets from using Microwarpdrives, slowing them significantly.
  • A Stasis Webifier will slow down the ship you are tackling, allowing your gang members to hit them more easily or prevent them from reaching a gate, which they can jump through even if scrambled.
  • Fitting an Afterburner or Microwarpdrive will help you get into warp disruption range, at the same time boosting your speed making it hard for weapons to hit you.
  • Make use of Sensor Boosters or Signal Amplifiers to increase your scan resolution, lowering your locking time. This will allow you to tackle fast-warping ships.
  • At higher levels, tacklers tend to be Interdictors or Heavy Interdictors, which deploy Warp Disruption Fields, preventing ships in the area from warping off.


A DPS focused ship is designed to kill or drive off all enemies by sheer firepower. While the best defense is often a good offense, a DPS ship can be overwhelmed by superior numbers. A DPS focused ship is best flown in a fleet or with support.

  • Any ship with bonuses to weapon damage works well in this role, though it is best to use one with double weapon damage bonuses or lots of high and lots of low slots. Some good examples are the Muninn or Harbinger.
  • Lots of weapons.
  • Lots of Weapon Upgrades.
  • Large buffer tanks, allowing them to survive until the enemy is dead.
  • These are not complicated ships.


A sniper's job is to kill ships at a distance, usually preferably over 100 or 200km. These are best used in fleets as well.

  • A ship capable of shooting long range weapons, and hopefully, with a skill bonus to long range. Examples would be a Megathron or even an Eagle.
  • Either point weapons (hybrid, laser, or projectile weaponry) or missiles (Cruise Missiles usually). Point weaponry is usually preferred by fleet commanders as missile weapons take longer to reach their target. Missile boats generally shoot at secondary targets.
  • Weapon upgrades for their weapon of choice.
  • Sensor boosters with the script for long range, if they get damped.

Solo PvP ship

This ship type can be complicated for new players, but can result in some of the best loot for a PVPer. You are risking your fit everytime you go out, are facing large numbers of enemies at a time, but hopefully getting the helpless person out in the middle of nowhere alone, and taking their stuff.

  • These ships tend to be the force recons or stealth bombers, but really any quick ship can function as a solo PVP ship.
  • If flying solo in PvP, you should fit a Warp disruptor or Warp scrambler as you will have no other ships to rely on for tackling.
  • Maximizing your damage output is a priority. Different ammunition are more effective against different targets.
  • (optional) Using electronic warfare modules is helpful in many solo situations. Tracking Disruptors and Remote Sensor Dampeners can be used to great effect by one ship.
  • These ships commonly use cloaking devices, especially that allow warping while cloaking, such as a Covert Ops Cloaking Device II. Having the element of surprise makes it easier to pick off the enemy, one by one.

Gang support

Gang support can vary quite a bit, but always need a fleet to fly. These can provide things like extra speed to the entire fleet, remote repairs to nearby or far away ships, or even electronic warfare options, preventing the enemy fleet for targeting. If you have extra slots left over, these options are always welcome in a fleet battle.

  • These are commonly battlecruisers or command ships with gang assist modules fitted. The assistance of a logistics ship is never to be underestimated, though they are often called primary. Alternately, these can be electronic warfare ships, like the Blackbird or Rook.
  • Gang assist modules allow your fleet to boost the abilities of the entire fleet. Battlecruisers can fit one while Command Ships can fit more. Running them boosts everyone in your system, so you usually travel in the thick of it. These types of setups usually have somewhat of a tank and some pretty heavy damage modules as well.
  • Logistics ships provide remote assistance, in the form of extra shields, armor, energy, or target linking. However, these ships usually are heavily tanked.
  • Electronic warfare ships lock enemies down through a variety of means. Sensor Dampening prevents the enemy from reaching you, jamming prevents them from targeting anyone, tracking disruptors prevent them from shooting straight, and target painters makes them easier to hit.


A tanker's job is to survive the onslaught of multiple ships at the same time, allowing your gang members to either get the drop on the enemy or drive them off.

  • These are commonly ships with bonuses to shield or armor, such as a Drake or a Onyx. These are also commonly ships that have very high shield regeneration rates, eliminating the need for cap.
  • You'll need to increase your effective hitpoints. i.e: Extenders, plates, extender rigs, trimark rigs, resistances, damage control, or Power Diagnostic Systems.
  • These ships might use NOS to take energy from enemies, allowing them to run their tank longer.

Mission ship

These ships are the most varied, and are best covered in other guides, such as the Missions Guide or Level 4 Mission Guides.

  • Each successive mission level is harder.
  1. For level 1 kill missions, a frigate or destroyer is recommended.
  2. For level 2 missions, a destroyer, cruiser, or assault frigate is recommended.
  3. For level 3 missions, a battlecruiser or heavy assault cruiser is recommended.
  4. For level 4 missions, a battleship or specialized battlecruiser/heavy assault cruiser is recommended.
  • Fit an armor repairing or shield boosting / passive shield regenerating tank while running missions. Having a large effective hitpoints tank is not usually that helpful in PVE.
  • If you ask your agent for mission details, you will see what kind of NPCs you will fight. Fitting resistances against the damage type that these NPCs use will be very helpful.
  • Consider using long range weapons in missions, for example artillery rather than autocannons and cruise missiles rather than torpedoes. You will save time by eliminating the need to approach the enemy, and many enemies in higher level missions will stay at large ranges.
  • If you need extra speed in missions, use an afterburner, as a microwarpdrive will not work in a deadspace.

Filling up the rest

Once you fit your ship with one purpose in mind, you often yourself with some slots empty. If that happens, try to fit it with a secondary role. For example:

  • PvP : Add some EWAR capability, some tackling gear, something to boost your Effective Hitpoints, or just boost your speed to get away easier.
  • PvE : Increase your damage against the chosen rat target, or increase your tank against that rat type. Alternately, add some modules that will make your overall income increase, like a tractor beam or a Salvage I module.

Resource requirements

Early on, you won't have the skills to fit the best equipment on your ship. Here are some pointers on getting around this.

  • Tech 2 gear is expensive and requires significant skill points to fit. You could try to use some lower cost tech 1 named gear instead of tech 2, just to try modules out. The lower level tech 1 gear tends to have lower requirements, use less CPU/PG, and cost less, though the best named module is usually two to three times as expensive as a tech 2 module.
  • At first, always aim at what a ship is good at, rather than making it something it is not. For instance, armor tanking a raven is usually a bad idea due to it's limited low slots, but shield tanking it is great due to it's great number of medium slots.
  • If you find yourself short on CPU or Power Grid, you can fit a Co-Processor I, Reactor Control Unit I, Micro Auxiliary Power Core I (or MAPC), or a Power Diagnostic System I. There are some ships that need these items commonly, but on others, it's a sign of a bad fit.
  • Increase the skills you use on almost every ship, as they will always reward you. Some examples are Engineering, Electronics, Weapon Upgrades, Navigation, and Spaceship Command. Of course, doing the Learning skills first always help as well.

Template:Green box

Common Rookie Mistakes

Don'ts of new players

  • DON'T fly what you can't afford. You will lose ships.
  • DON'T fly what you can't afford. Seriously, it doesn't matter, you will lose them.
  • DON'T fly around in low sec if you don't know what you're doing. You will lose ships eventually. Stay in .5 or above systems until you feel comfortable going out there.
  • DON'T fly around in null sec if you don't know what you're doing. You are most likely going to run into a Heavy Interdictor or Warp Disruption Field of some kind.
  • DON'T try to do two redundant things at the same time because you usually do both things badly. Some common examples include:
  • Using both a shield and an armor tank, which uses both all your medium and slots, one is fine.
  • Mixing gun types - e.g. Rails and Blasters, which makes you terrible at both close and long range combat!
  • DON'T over-stack modules that are affected by the stacking penalty. (ie: Five Gyrostabilizers) After about three modules, you no longer gain much increase by adding additional modules.
  • DON'T ingore the ship's initial bonuses and how to take advantage of them. Try to fit the right racial weapons, work with the ship's bonuses, and don't fight what doesn't fit. Ships with few of medium slots shouldn't shield tank, and ships with few low slots shouldn't armor tank. For Example: Fitting Beam Lasers onto a Rifter, shield tanking an Abaddon, or putting a capital ship weapon on a battleship.


  • ALWAYS have a skill training. Maybe consider using a program like EVEMon to remind you when skills are finishing, but if you're going to sleep for the night, set a longer term skill, like Learning V. If you're going to Ibiza for holiday, maybe set Battleship V.
  • ALWAYS align towards a safe place if you are in immediate danger. Warp in, select a distant object, hit the align button, and THEN open up on the enemy. This goes for PVE or PVP adventures, align so you can quickly warp off if there is a problem.
  • ALWAYS get as much information about your enemy as possible. Having good intel is a way to tell what they are going to do next. This can involve checking guides on how to do missions or having a shared security channel open at all times.
  • ALWAYS read up on how to fit ships. If you rely on other people to make the mistakes, then you don't have to.
  • ALWAYS be brave enough to try new setups. If you don't think something isn't working well, try something different. You can use EFT to try a new fitting virtually, or if you want to try it in person, get on the beta server, Singularity and fly it for real.

Additional Reading

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