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Sev3rance (-7-) is an alliance based in Providence. The alliance is part of the Providence Holders Coalition.



Sev3rance was foundet in early 2007 with the goal to unite all Anti-Pirate/NRDS corporations under one banner in the low sec constellation named Sukanan in Tash-Murkon Region.

IronPig (IRNP) and Mystic Lion Hearts (MLH) were in the front line of agression against pirates. A few others - including Sukanans residents - helped to defend the area, they were called Sukanan Defense Force (SDF).

Connection to CVA

The efforts Sev3rance did in low sec impressed CVA and the fact one of the SDF Corps (The Legion of Spoon) joined CVA, hence the time of co-operation and support between Sev3rance and CVA began.

Sev3rance helped CVA in their campaign against their mortal enemies Ushra'Khan to take the UK outposts in QR-K85 and 9UY4-H (The Siege of Ushra'Khan). After UK's defeat CVA offered the XV7L-S constellation as reward from the Emperor himself - a opportunity none can refuse.

Sev3rance grew from an Anti-Pirate Low-Sec Alliance into a 0.0 Alliance and was the first alliance among the Providence Holders which built three outposts.

Founder Corporations

Personal tools
