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The Ordo Quaesitoris was born in the year 108 (2006) from the strangest of circumstances. A strange leader, shady contacts with the Emperor Family and what didn't exist turned into a reality from one day to another with official CONCORD sanction. After more than a year of service, their duty and objectives are not clear at all, and only some glimpses have been seen.
Rumours abound. Proofs show that the Ordo was involved in both wars in the Bleak Lands against the Minmatarr helping PIE and other loyalist corporations, as well as trying to bring peace to the wars between the Darabi and Miyan Holders, and protecting Brother Joshua of the Speakers of Truth. Other rumours point out to shady deals with traitors and heretics, asking questions that are not Holy or appropriate, or even spying. Certainly, that they ask questions is something no one can deny. That is what they do, how they "defend the Amarr Empire" as they reply when asked about it.
Prominent Members
- Sepherim - Founder and current head of the Ordo.
- Hailey Ironclaw
- Leopold Cain
Initial History
The history of the Ordo is not clear, and they won't talk about it publicly. No one really knows where it comes from, though persistent rumours point to the Emperor Family. Their deals and workings are unclear, and only some of them are known clearly.
Their first known op took place during the Navy moves into the Bleak Lands, for what was known as the first The Bleak Lands Campaign. Together with many of the other Amarr loyalist corporations, they took part in the operations that took place then, helping fight back the Minmatarr with the little ressources they had at the moment.
There follow a few months with no news about them at all or their dealings. They reappear during the Holder Wars that placed Lord Darabi and Lord Miyan in opposing sides of the fence due to a honour offense. The Ordo played a neutral party during that conflict, striving to obtain a peaceful resolution to the conflict that would be for the best of both sides. It was due to an idea of both Sepherim and Amann Karris (who later joined the Ordo) that the Peace Summit was held, and their dealings afterwards brought to the light the way in which Lord Darabi was being able to be victorious in the battlefield.
More months are required with no news about them until the Kor-Azor crisis during which Brother Joshua appeared to control the chaos Articio Kor-Azor was extending. The Ordo quickly took sides with Brother Joshua, and participated in his protection during all the moves he did, together with other loyalist parties. In fact, together with PIE, it was the only loyalist corporation present in a secret meeting with the Speaker of Truth, though neither them nor PIE talk about it usually.
A Journey in the Dark
But maybe the strangest of all events related to them took place during the ending of their first summer. Sepherim led a small fleet of Ordo ships that gathered all their pilots except for Smurfette and Sardoniac. Together they crossed the gate between Mabnen and Hedion... and vanished completely. They never reached the other side. They were officially considered deceased on a gate error, and the story of the Ordo seemed to end there, since both Sardoniac and Smurfette seemed pretty unreachable.
But then, more than a month later, Sepherim's ship reappeared in the Mimen gate, almost destroyed. In the worst condition a ship can still fly, it made it somehow back to Mabnen where Sepherim was sent into hospitalization directly. He was in coma for more than a week and when he awoke he didn't remember anything of what had happened during those two months. He still can't.
The Ordo has now reopened their doors and are recruiting again. Seems like recovery is on its way, and they are working heavily. Somethings seem somewhat changed, but no one really knows what exactly.
And the latest knews is that the Ordo has created an alliance of their own named the Magna Ordo. It is still not clear what functions or plans they have for it; right now, it also gathers the recently created Ordo Ars Scientia, though little more is known on the functions it will have.
Finally, the Ordo has participated in the defense of the Bleak Lands during the second The Bleak Lands Campaign at the service of the 7th Fleet directed by Admiral Saracen. They were in the area, fighting, scouting and securing Advanced Defense Units for months, until the flow of enemies decreased and it became rather useless to still secure places that were attacked no more. Finally, the campaign reached a silent end when Saracen got called back by Chancellor Karsoth, and with it the participation of the Ordo in those events.
Still, that was not the end of war in the Bleak Lands, as soon after war errupted when the Minmatarr Republic invaded amarrian space. When the call of the 24th Crusade was made, the Ordo was there to answer to it, and since then has been operating in the Bleak Lands again against the enemies of the Empire. The Empire War had begun.
Ordo Quaesitoris in the News
Below are links to news stories about some of the events that the Ordo Quaesitoris has participated in...
Speaker of Truths Saved by PIE Inc and Ordo Quaesitoris
7th Fleet Scores Major Victory (not directly mentioned, but it is one of the corporations it referrs to)
Amarrian Prayer(same as before. In fact, Sepherim was one of the chosen pilots to guide one of the prayers)
Scold to the Capsuleers (same as above, Karsoth referrs to the loyalty of the capsuleers corporations to Admiral Saracen's work in the Bleak Lands, and that includes the Ordo Quaesitoris)
Contacting the Ordo
Their public database is: Ordo Quaesitoris
Their public in-game channel is: Quaesitor