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Revision as of 23:09, 3 February 2018

Emergency Warp

When you first logout either by disconnect or just pressing the 'X' button while in space this will cause your ship to warp 1,000,000 KM in a random direction. Once landed you will disappear within 30 seconds unless you have an aggression timer of some type. If you obtained a PVP or NPC flag you will have a 15 minute timer before your ship disappears. These are all outlined in the Crimewatch article.

Logging Back in

When you log back into your client you will show as 'In-warp' back to the original Grid that you left from. Warp Scrambling effects including bubbles will not prevent your ship from landing back onto the original Grid.

Please note: Contrary to popular believe, you do not start in warp. But by the time the client has fully rendered the screen, almost all ships are in warp.

Bumping Exploit

Bumping ships is to prevent the ship from landing on to the grid is considered an exploit. Ships undergoing emergency warp upon appearing in space have no means to activate modules, cancel warp, or otherwise defend themselves during this period; they cannot be stopped by any warp disruption mechanic. Bumping them during this period renders the ship in question utterly helpless, against the intention of the game mechanics.

Source: Exploit Bumping in Order to Prevent E-Warp

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