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{{note|This Evelopedia article relates to ongoing CCP Live Events. To learn more, visit [[EVE Events|this]] page.}}
|divisionname= Multidisciplinary
||ticker= MD
|projectleads= [[User:Faulx|Faulx]]
|archivists= N/A
|levelofactivity= Mostly Finished
|publicchannel= AJ: MD
|othersites= None
|researchers = [[User:Faulx|Faulx]]
|contributors = [[Project Snapshot]], [[Project Compass]], [[User:Elisa Fir|Elisa Fir]], [[User:Brawyn78|Brawyn78]]
''Drafted by [[User:Faulx|Faulx]].''
"Note, this is a WIP."
Project Atlas has long been left to lie fallow in the [[Arek'Jaalan]] community.  Its stated goal is to, "Create a navigable space-time map of Anoikis."  Thanks to data from several other AJ projects this goal is significantly closer.  Originally much of the work of finding wormhole interconnections was done during the course of [[Project Compass]], however, it was decided to break up the work and publish that information here under Project Atlas.  Some effort has also been under taken to determine the meaning behind the loci of each w-space system.
The originally proposed methods of the project were to gather information from multiple participants as they traveled through w-space.  However, this proved unnecessary as capsuleer [[User:Brawyn78|Brawyn78]] had made a significant record of the systems using information which was freely available through the NeoCom.  Since then, Brawyns research has become inaccessible, though not before the data was used to create a [[List_of_All_W-Space_Systems|full listing of w-space systems]] on GalNet.  Further, capsuleer [http://www.staticmapper.com/index.php crowd-sourcing resources] were used to find patterns in how these systems were connected to each other.
=Data sources=
During the course of Project Compass, much data were gathered as to the nature of the wormholes local to each system.  This data source was combined with other sources such as Brawyn78's listing of w-space systems ([http://caedwards.net/SleeperTalocan.html datacore]), constellations, and regions (which was gathered and published before that information was locked out of the NeoCom).  Publication of capsuleer [http://www.staticmapper.com/index.php crowd-sourcing] was also relied on as a source for determining patterns of static wormholes, this data was cross checked against detailed logs of wormhole traversals and system scans from [[Project Compass]].  Another source of information was [[User:Elisa Fir|Elisa Fir]], who shared information gathered about base scan strength and observed locations for many types of wormholes.  A number of included wormhole configurations have also been theorized by scientist but (to my knowledge) have not been observed.  These wormholes have also been included in the data along with their theoretical mass limits and lifetimes.  Some of the data comes also from the [[Project Snapshot]] event in March YC 114, which estimated numbers for many types of wormholes found exclusively in high security space and demonstrated some of the mechanics behind wormhole formation.  Further, accounts of the as yet undocumented occurrences of "constellation" static wormholes is also included in the report.
First, we begin with locations.  Project Compass was able to determine a direction to w-space (a.k.a. Anoikis).<br>
[[Image:Project Compass Anoikis Perspective.png|Image generated for Project Compass]]<br>
[[Image:Project_Compass_Anoikis_Overhead02-01-2012.png|Image generated for Project Compass]]
Compass also pinpointed the locations of stars in Anoikis to within a few light years.<br>
[[Image:Project_Compass_Anoikis_Image.png|Image generated for Project Compass]]
Compass only managed to get 294 systems; however, Brawyn78's data was used to create a complete [[List_of_All_W-Space_Systems|listing of all known w-space loci]], a total of 2498 systems.  Thus the Project Compass images account for roughly 11.8% of all systems in Anoikis.
===Static Wormholes===
The [[List_of_All_W-Space_Systems|list of all w-space systems]] also includes information about static wormholes in each system.
A system's "static" wormhole is a special type of wormhole which is "native" to each system in w-space.  This wormhole once collapsed will instantaneously reopen in the same system.  Its exit point changes with each collapse but is limited to either a specific class of w-space (1-6), high sec, low sec, or null sec.  Each class of w-space has a limited set of static type wormholes which may be found there.  Each "type" of wormhole (e.g. N110, B274, or D845) will exit exclusively in certain areas of space.  There are some uncommon exceptions to this (see [[#Constellation_Wormholes|"constellation" static]]).
There also exist numerous types of non-static wormhole, which are variously called "periodic" or "regional" wormholes.  Both of these terms are misnomers, since these wormholes seem neither to have a specific period for reoccurrence nor to be restricted to a certain region.  Therefore, at the risk of breaking with tradition, I will call these "wandering" wormholes. (see [[#Wandering Wormholes|Wandering Wormholes]])
Information about where static wormholes appear is extrapolated from patterns apparent in data from capsuleer [http://www.staticmapper.com/index.php crowd-sourcing], [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&key=0Ak6nlmU8QNp4dEFyYlpnUDFkak9NZnRQUHVlMzc4RVE&hl=en_US&gid=0 Project Compass logs], and to some limited extent agrees with much of Brawyn78's data (likely gathered from earlier instances of the same crowd-sourcing).
In most regions of Anoikis a single type of static wormhole can be found; however, there are regions where several types of static wormhole can appear. "Region" and "Constellation" here refer to a numerical designation (Regions 1-30, Constellations 1-323) which originally appeared in the NeoCom and was used catalogue loci.  They should not be confused with the Region/Constellation names from k-space. In those regions where more than one type of static appear, every system in a constellation will contain the same type static type (see [[#Poster|Poster]] below).  For example, in Region 1, constellations 311-313 have static types Z060 and all other constellations in that Region, i.e. 314-323, have static type J244.  The most varied region by static type is Region 30, which has 6 static types among its many constellations: one of each type leading to every class of w-space.  In order to figure out what Region and Constellation a given system is in, simply reference the [[List_of_All_W-Space_Systems|list of all w-space systems]].
Project Compass crafted the static wormhole interconnection data into impressive looking graphics which show all possible static connections in w-space:<br>
[[Image:Project_Compass_Anoikis_Interconnections.png|Image generated for Project Compass]]
The next image is a break down of static connections by region.  It should be noted that the directions to high low and null sec are selected for clarity rather than accuracy.  The above image is basically all of the regions below overlaid on top of each other <i>(click to enlarge)</i>:
[[Image:Project_Compass_Anoikis_Poster02-07-2012.png|800px|Image generated for Project Compass]]<br>
===Wandering Wormholes===
A wandering wormhole is a wormhole that wanders from system to system.  Unlike [[#Static Wormholes|static wormholes]], after a wandering wormhole collapses it will open in a different system within the same "scope".  The term "scope" must be used because, some types of wandering wormhole are able to wander between classes (or at least the same type appears in more than one class, for example wormhole D792 appears in both class 5 and class 6 systems)  (see [[#Charts|wormhole type charts]]).  The exact numbers for wandering wormholes are largely unknown, since in order to directly count them, one must simultaneously scan every system in a given scope.  This is exactly what [[Project Snapshot]] attempted to do, with some limited success, thus much of Snapshot's data was used to understand the nature of wandering wormholes, although in Snapshot, these are called "periodic" wormholes.
===Constellation Wormholes===
Although they have yet to be well documented, there are anecdotal reports of occasional "extra" static type wormholes which will appear from time to time in a system.  Some early experiments posted on the capsuleer forums ([http://community.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1263659&page=1#3 third post down]) demonstrated that, after collapsing, these wormholes will reopen in another system within the same constellation.  Reports from Talocan United members living in Class 2 space (which normally has only 2 static wormholes) tell that from time to a third "static" type wormhole will appear in system.  This report also stated that the exact type of that wormhole did not always match the "native" statics, though typically it duplicated one of the native statics.  Also, this 3rd static wormhole would always open at the same time that a native static was collapsed and reopened.  Other residents of class 2 and 3 space have reported similarly, though they claimed that the extra static could open at any time, not just after the collapse of a native static.  Another resident in Class 4, space has never seen any "extra" static wormholes in his system despite months of vigilance and occasionally intentionally collapsing the static by passing too much mass through it (a.k.a. rolling, a common practice among all those reporting).
===Exit Wormholes and Proto-Wormholes===
The exit point of a wormhole is always a wormhole of type K162, meaning K162 wormholes can be found just about everywhere (except Jove space, which seems to block them somehow).  Exit points for each type of wormhole seem to form within a random system in a given class of w-space (1-6), high sec, low sec, or null sec, depending on the type of wormhole generating the exit.  There seems to be a curious uncertainty principle at work in regard to K162 wormholes: a K162 will not form as an exit point until the originating wormhole has been "observed" or "pushed" into existence.  Before they are "pushed" into existence, originating wormholes seem to exist as proto-wormholes which can remain stable for days, possibly indefinitely, if left alone ([http://community.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1230620&page=3#73 post 73]).  These proto-wormholes still seem to respond to scan signals like standard (previously visited) wormholes and can be probed down without "pushing" them into existence.  Immediate proximity to a nearby spacial distortion or gravity source (such as a ship's warp corridor) seems to be the key to "pushing" wormholes into existence and even the endpoint of a cancelled warp corridor can be enough to cause a wormhole to come into existence and form a K162.  This odd behavior of wormholes has always been difficult to demonstrate since the act of observing a wormhole destabilizes the proto-wormhole and brings it into a full fledged "wormhole" state.  Previous to Project Snapshot, the only evidence that this was the case was the anecdotes of capsuleer residents of wormhole space, who noticed that if their local static wormholes were left unvisited, no one would be observed entering the system through the spot where the proto-wormhole had been probed.  Data from [[Project Snapshot#Continued_Analysis|Project Snapshot]] has since been used to statistically verify this phenomena.
===Base Signal Strength===
Base signal strength is the strength with which a wormhole responds to scanning probes.  The strength of a signal can be in one of several "bands" from 1/5 to 1/80.  This applies not just to wormholes, but to all cosmic signatures: pirate hideaways, asteroid belts, hacking sites, and archeological sites.  By knowing the base signal strength of all cosmic signatures, an advanced scanning method can be employed to more quickly narrow the scope of a scan.  A more detailed description of this technieque can be found at this [http://swiftandbitter.com/eve/dsp/ scanning datacore], bear in mind though that the tools found at this site do have some inaccuracies, errors, and omittions and that it was <i>not</i> used as a source.
===Wormhole Types===
A full listing of wormhole types follows, in chart format.  These charts pull together all the data gathered for Project Atlas and together with the [[List_of_All_W-Space_Systems|list of all w-space systems]] represent the primary tool Atlas has to offer for navigation through w-space.  In order to reach a certain destination, one merely need follow a path through the charts which would lead them to a system most likely to produce a wormhole leading to their desired destination.  Where possible, total numbers or estimates for these numbers are provided in order to give a sense of the statistical likelihood of reaching a given class via a particular "scope" of system.
==Locus Signatures==
"Locus Signatures" are the names of each w-space system (e.g. J100003, J172751, J204635, J235447, ect..).  It has long been theorized ([http://www.eve-search.com/thread/1261656-0/page/7#203 203rd post]) that these locus signatures are directions to nearby quasars. Under this theory each signature JHHMMSS indicates the J2000 equinox of reference in the equatorial plane of the ancient Terran homeworld, where HHMMSS is the Right Ascension in hours, minutes, and seconds.  Normally a declination is also given, however only 3 systems give something resembling even a partial declination (possibly because their "seconds" column would otherwise contain omitted zeros, which allowed a portion of the remainder of the name +/-DDMMSS to show up in the NeoCom, which for some reason shows clipped system names to 7 characters).  Here +/-DDMMSS would be the declination in degrees, minutes, and seconds.  Together, the Right Ascension and Declination form a set of coordinates in the ancient Terran sky which indicate the position of a quasar.  The following image shows a visualization of this interpretation:<br>
[[Image:Project_Compass_Anoikis_Quasars02-09-2012.png|Image generated for Project Compass]]<br>
In lieu of a declination, all lines are in the plane of the New Eden and Anoikis star clusters.  And in lieu of any real reference point, Concord's +x axis was used.  Red shift in a quasar is also an important element in identifying distance to a quasar, though normally that information is not in the quasar's name. The 3 systems mentioned before which seem to show partial declinations are: J1259+0 (C5), J1340+6 (C5), and J1226-0 (C4).  The [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&key=0Ak6nlmU8QNp4dEFyYlpnUDFkak9NZnRQUHVlMzc4RVE&hl=en_US&gid=0 Project Compass data] even contains one of these systems: J1340+6 (C5); its name shows up in the NeoCom as: J134096.  I assume that the reason for this is that in the NeoCom database a '9' where only a 0-5 should be is interpreted by the code as a '+'.  I'd also like to note that this missing declination and redshift information is needed to complete Project Atlas's secondary goal of decoding the Locus Signatures.  (( I'd really like to know how Capsuleers have come to know the Locus Signatures.  Is this how the local sleeper comm system is identifying itself or did the empires give the systems these names?  If CCP Abraxas and team Mercury could shed some light on why we're using this funky naming scheme and why it's incomplete, that'd be great. ))
==Recommendations for Further Study==
Reproduce observations that Proto-Wormholes can exist for days if undisturbed.<br>
Reproduce experiment that showed constellation static wormhole moving from system to system in a given constellation.<br>
Catalogue and document all constellation static wormholes.<br>

Revision as of 08:14, 9 April 2012

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