Difference between revisions of "Local Blood Raider Mainframe"

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Revision as of 15:23, 18 December 2011

Cosmic Signature Details
Local Blood Raider Mainframe
Signature Strength  ?
Type Radar
Equipment needed Codebreaker
Security Highsec
Known Regions Kor-Azor, Kador
Pirate type Blood Raiders

This site contains 1 - 3 hackable containers; no pirates.

"Half-broken remnants of technology drift aimlessly throughout the vacuum; the end result of infighting, CONCORD raids or one of a thousand other common fates suffered by pirate outfits across the cluster. A codebreaker module will be invaluable in uncovering the secrets that are likely hidden here, locked away inside data vaults and semi-functional computerized networks."
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