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Revision as of 14:18, 8 June 2011

Providence Holders Coalition

The Providence Holders Coalition is a coalition or power block centered in the Providence Region. Alliances in this coalition work together to build Providence economically, provide for its defense, and enforce the NRDS policy of the region.

On December 6, 2009 Lonewolfnight announced on internal CVA and Providence Holder forums the official addition of three new alliances to Holders status. Veneratio Venator Alliance, under the leadership of Cpt. Lumis, Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive, under the leadership of John Revenent, and Fidelas Constans, under the leadership of Lupus Aurelius.

Following the opening of the New-Providence War Libertas Fidelitas Alliance turned on the Curatores Veritatis Alliance and other Providence Holders Coalition members. In an open statement[1] on the Intergalactic Summit the LFA leader, Lasterax, blamed the CVA executor, Aralis, for failure in previous peace talks and called for open rebellion by the other Holders. LFA was promptly expelled from the Holders coalition and allowed to fall apart on their own. Their space has since been taken control of by Ushra'Khan.

With their space lost and given to the Providence NIP, many older holders moved north and either became members of the Northern Coalition or slowly died out. Alliances such as Care Factor, Apocalypse Now, TSOE Consortium, and Yulai Federation continued to operate within the Domain and Providence regions with CVA and became full members, operating in multiple campaigns and taking space with CVA several times.

In May, 2011 an abrupt change in the fortunes of the Providence Holders appeared with the handing over and sale of sov structures at market price to CVA of much of southern Providence, putting Holders firmly in control of about one third of providence. At this time space is set to continue to be turned over to Providence Holders as the NC./Evoke bloc moves north to newly vacated space by the fall of the Northern Coalition.

Current Members

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