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== Mission Briefing ==
== Mission Briefing ==
Straight to business then, eh? Here's the plan: My men are currently standing by, ready to launch an assault on a poorly defended base nearby. This should draw a good portion of the security forces off the base we’re truly aiming for. That’s when you sweep in. Kill everything that moves, CHARACTER. If you can take out their reinforcements and logistics, then we’ll be able to clean up what’s left. I’m thinking that all this commotion should draw their leader out, or at least get his attention. We can see how it plays out once the bullets start flying. You’ll receive updates on the field once we launch our assault. Ready to roll?  
{{quote|Straight to business then, eh? Here's the plan: My men are currently standing by, ready to launch an assault on a poorly defended base nearby. This should draw a good portion of the security forces off the base we’re truly aiming for. That’s when you sweep in. Kill everything that moves, CHARACTER. If you can take out their reinforcements and logistics, then we’ll be able to clean up what’s left. I’m thinking that all this commotion should draw their leader out, or at least get his attention. We can see how it plays out once the bullets start flying. You’ll receive updates on the field once we launch our assault. Ready to roll?}}
== Objectives ==
== Objectives ==

Revision as of 14:54, 17 May 2011

Here's a link to walkthrough blog post(s) to provide some help to people until more complete write-up can be added in-place to this page.

Walkthrough: http://keithneilson.co.uk/eve-epic-mission-arc-guide-part-8/

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars
Mission 31: Goading the Leader


Mission type: Encounter
Recommended Damage:
Recommended Resists:
System: Lustrevik VII - Moon 9 - Brutor tribe Academy 0.9
Previous Mission: Mission 30: The Uses of Force
Next Mission: Mission 32: Hunting the Lieutenants

Mission Briefing

"Straight to business then, eh? Here's the plan: My men are currently standing by, ready to launch an assault on a poorly defended base nearby. This should draw a good portion of the security forces off the base we’re truly aiming for. That’s when you sweep in. Kill everything that moves, CHARACTER. If you can take out their reinforcements and logistics, then we’ll be able to clean up what’s left. I’m thinking that all this commotion should draw their leader out, or at least get his attention. We can see how it plays out once the bullets start flying. You’ll receive updates on the field once we launch our assault. Ready to roll?"


Take out the Auxiliary Power Array.

0.9 Lustrevik


The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:
two hundred thousand credits

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 5 hours and 22 minutes.
85000 credits


Warning: Another page with information on this mission describes a set of 4 frigates to destroy, then a set of 3 frigates and a cruiser. The author of the details below ran the mission on 09-28-2010.

On warp in all hostiles except 3 frigates and a cruiser warp away after a few seconds. Author waited about 2 minutes but those 4 (on overview as Smuggler) stayed. Author went for the array first and once it was destroyed the smuggler structures all exploded as well. Destroyed the 4 smugglers and looted the cargo container from the array destruction. Forgot to take screenshots for a reminder but think you can complete mission once the array is destroyed.

Completion Text

We caught someone trying to flee the scene; we think he knows something about the guys running this whole operation. He’s been taken into questioning. If he does know anything, we’ll have the information ourselves very shortly.

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