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(New page: My current primary character, Tiberyya Za is an officer for Bellum Aeternus (BAID). ==Character List== Jaaissa Lynn [Bellum Aeternus] on Guk Zhalla [Bellum Aeternus] on Guk Mungo Hamt...)
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My current primary character, Tiberyya Za is an officer for Bellum Aeternus (BAID).
My current primary character, Tiberyya Za is an officer for Bellum Aeternus (BAID).
"It is possible to be a HERO in [Eve Online] but it takes dedication, patience and insomnia ....
A Hero in a MMO isn't someone who kills a battleship in one shot.
It's the person who constantly fights for what is right with not only their character but with all characters.
The MMO Hero is the one that helps with organizing information and issues without bias for the betterment of all.
A MMO Hero is the person who day after day organizes the most annoying and boring events possible.
Bonus points for them if they constantly offer "open" spots to people that aren't in their corporation.
It's the person who makes time in their busy schedule to constantly fit in a bit of manufacturing for not only their friends and family (corporation) but also makes sure that they are open for business for the world at large. And does their best to keep their prices as "fair" as possible.
The one that constantly has a time to slip in a bit of knowledge into the "lowbie" channels despite how the questions can grate on one's nerves.
The rare person willing to actually help some lowbie stranger who's spamming the channels with their pleas for help for some quest.
The person who considers NBG a way of life instead of the exception.
The above are just some examples of what "I" consider to be Heroic in an MMO."
Adapted from a post by Kaisha of EverQuest 2 (Permafrost server)
==Character List==
==Character List==

Revision as of 15:57, 6 May 2009

My current primary character, Tiberyya Za is an officer for Bellum Aeternus (BAID).

"It is possible to be a HERO in [Eve Online] but it takes dedication, patience and insomnia ....

A Hero in a MMO isn't someone who kills a battleship in one shot.
It's the person who constantly fights for what is right with not only their character but with all characters.
The MMO Hero is the one that helps with organizing information and issues without bias for the betterment of all.
A MMO Hero is the person who day after day organizes the most annoying and boring events possible.
Bonus points for them if they constantly offer "open" spots to people that aren't in their corporation.
It's the person who makes time in their busy schedule to constantly fit in a bit of manufacturing for not only their friends and family (corporation) but also makes sure that they are open for business for the world at large. And does their best to keep their prices as "fair" as possible.
The one that constantly has a time to slip in a bit of knowledge into the "lowbie" channels despite how the questions can grate on one's nerves.
The rare person willing to actually help some lowbie stranger who's spamming the channels with their pleas for help for some quest.
The person who considers NBG a way of life instead of the exception.
The above are just some examples of what "I" consider to be Heroic in an MMO."

Adapted from a post by Kaisha of EverQuest 2 (Permafrost server)

Character List

Jaaissa Lynn [Bellum Aeternus] on Guk
Zhalla [Bellum Aeternus] on Guk
Mungo Hamtouch [Bellum Aeternus] on Guk
The Undertoad [Bellum Aeternus] on Pinnacle (Retired)
[BA]Wye [Bellum Aeternus] in Strike at Karkand (among others) (Retired)
Wye Wanderwind [Bellum Aeternus] in Ascalon, Kryta, and the Maguuma Jungle (Retired)
Wye [Bellum Aeternus] on Kel'Thuzad (Retired)
Agrifenya [The Midnight Council] on Shadow Council (Retired)
Breakfast Champ [Bellum Aeternus] on Pinnacle (Retired)
Centurion Tiberia [Bellum Aeternus] on Markov (Retired)
Centurion Wye [Bellum Aeternus] on Markov (Retired)
Zaala Lalla [Glaston Privateers] on Starsider (Retired)
Sunni Unveiled [Glastonbury Regulars] on Treachery (Retired)
Hirebrand? on Alphaville
Jaisa [Storm Guard Elite] on Orion (Retired)
Hirebrand? in Asheron's Call 2 Beta
Mattew Wye [Glastonbury Irregulars] on Nimue (Retired) 
Varhilde Shieldsunderer [Fangs of Fenris] on Guinevere (Retired)
Fraing Fjolnir [Fangs of Fenris] on Guinevere (Retired)
Jaisa [unguilded] on Rubi-Ka 1 (Retired)
Jaisa [unguilded] on Rubi-Ka 2 (Retired)
Jaaissa Lynn [Malificus Sect] on Rallos Zek (Retired)
Hire Wanderwind [Judges of Norrath] on Vallon Zek (Retired)
Brixa N'Loth [unguilded] on Fennon Ro (Retired)
(bonus points if you can name all the MMORPGs)

Contact Information

Email: hirebrand@ya.spamremove.hoo.com
Homepage: http://hirebrand.homestead.com/
AOL Instant Messenger Handle: AIMHirebrand
ICQ Number: 19033790
MSN Messenger Handle: hirebrand at yahoo dot com
Yahoo Messenger Handle: hirebrand
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