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(General Notes and mission listing for the Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars)
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=The Blood-Stained Stars=
=The Blood-Stained Stars=

Revision as of 07:39, 21 March 2009

The Blood-Stained Stars


Please note: This guide was originally published in a series of blog posts which are available here and is reproduced with permission.

This is the first of EVE's Epic Mission Arcs and as such is designed for less experienced players in order to introduce some of the key concepts of missions and they various types of missions available. More experienced players may be disappointed with the rewards offered, especially if they are used to running level 4 and 5 missions.

The arc comprises 50 or so missions with one branch point, though the author cannot confirm this directly as he's still working his way through them. Further confirmation from other players is invited.

A couple of things to note regarding this arc:

  • None of the missions in the arc are restricted by ship type and they can be completed in any vessel.
  • Minimal standings with the Sisters of EVE are required to start this arc (exact numbers needed)
  • The missions in this arc do not affect any factional standings directly, though each mission will count towards recieving a Storyline Mission from the Sisters of EVE, which will affect standings normally.
  • At the time of writing no issues with faction standings were discovered, neither should there be any issues arising from a players participation in Factional Warfare. Confirmtaiton required
  • There is a forum thread available for discussion of these guides.
Please note: This guide should not be considered to be complete, there are gaps, omissions and some information which was not noted at the time that the missions were done. This being a wiki though allows such information to be added by anyone, Knock yourself out XD

Mission Listing

Chapter 1: Qualtiy of Mercy

Chapter 2: Automation Impediment

Chapter 3: Shadow Puppets

Chapter 4: Queens and Drones

Please note: Branch Point.This is the point at which the arc branches, you are given the choice between Tracking and Scanning but it is not made clear in the agent dialogue which mission is which. Obviously the author could only take one branch so there are currently only guides for that branch. From this point on Chapters will be identified with a number and letter, signifying which branch was taken. This is a wiki remember, if anyone has information regarding the other branch of the arc feel free to add it.

Chapter 5a: Bag of Blood

Chapter 6a: Shifting Foundations

Please note: This is the current extent of the available guides, further missions will be added as they are completed.
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