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T-K-T has been in existence for more than 4years, historically T-K-T was mainly an industrial corp but having based themselves in 0.0 they have evolved and are primarily a PvP corp with an industrial backbone.
The Empire Days
T-K-T was establish by a core of members that broke away from Triple Crystal Miners, who where originally 0.0 based. They where mostly industrial pilots wanting to enjoy the bounties of empire space. T-K-T rose as a premier industrial corporation under the tutelage of its CEO Bertie. They controlled fast numbers of industrial POS's used primarily to manufacture T2 materials for Bertie's large T2 production. Mounting pressure from outside forces made Bertie have to retire and Major Hill took over the reigns of T-K-T. A modest sized corp with mostly industrial interest they forged forward.
A Return to 0.0
Hydra Alliance
With a suitable industrial might T-K-T set its sights back on 0.0. Live in 0.0 space had evolved and the industrial pilots yearn for a piece of it. The introduction of outpost and sovereign space made 0.0 living attractive to industrial people. Empire was getting crowed and 0.0 space was inviting. T-K-T joined Hydra Alliance and established itself back in 0.0 space. Using its industrial might T-K-T constructed one of Hydra's Alliance new outpost in Vale of the Silence.
PURE. Alliance
After a year of living with Hydra Alliance it was decided by CEO Major Hill that life with Hydra had been good but T-K-T goals and Hydra goals where not aligning anymore. Therefore, T-K-T moved and joining PURE. Alliance, a permier PvP alliance also based in Vale of the Silence and close allies with Hydra. It is here that T-K-T grew into more than just an industrial corporation. PURE. Alliance was a major player in the EVE political landscape and being a member of the Northern Coalition embarked on many of the great campaigns.
Under a new CEO, Bill Andrex, T-K-T embarked on the great wars against BoB. T-K-T participated in driving BoB back to Delve along side its allies. T-K-T grew strong and had become one of PURE.s most reliable fighting forces, maintaining a place in PURE.s top 5 PvP corps. Once BoB was driven back PURE. Alliance moved to take Deklein and once again T-K-T pilots where sent into the fray to clear the space that was once Triumvirate sovereignty.
BoB had repelled all its attackers in the south and had decided to embark on its Max campaign. At the same time G00DFELLA"s had decided to attack in deklein while BoB was attacking along side Triumvirate V2. T-K-T pilots fought hard across all PURE. Alliance space to defend its sovereign space. PURE. was suffering under the continues pressure and many of its corps where starting to have doubts. T-K-T fought till the last day.
Having been mistakenly kicked too early from PURE. Alliance along with two of its other premier PvP coprs, T-K-T was left out in the cold.
Vanguard Alliance
T-K-T scrambled to withdraw its assets from outpost they still had access to. It was decided to withdraw to Venal to recover loses and hopefully maintain some PvP. It is here that T-K-T met and joined Vanguard alliance. But alas vanguards way of life and T-K-T's desires where not compatible. Bill Andrex stepped aside as CEO and introduces Zeminy as T-K-T's new CEO.
Intrepid Crossing
Zeminy's first order of business was to realign T-K-T's goals with its members goals and search out
a place that was compatible with its desires. Search though many of the alliance in EVE T-K-T
approached Intrepid Crossing Alliance (IRC). IRC and T-K-T's goals where compatible with each other and in late November T-K-T parted ways with Vanguard alliance and joined Intrepid Crossing Alliance. T-K-T has seen great growth in IRC and has taken the next step in becoming a force to be
reconned with. With IRC T-K-T worked with KIA Alliance and the NC to expel Triumvirate from Vale of the Silence and restore NC allies and returning peace once again to Vale of the Silence. With Goonswarms move to remove KenZoku (Formerly known as Band of Brothers) from Delve, IRC was once agains asked to assit its allies. Moving into Tenerifis and Detorid T-K-T pilots patroled the space to keep -A- pilots out. The goal was to help Goonswarm to safe its Titan it was building. A miss calculation in -A- part resulted in very little conflict in the capital System in Tenerifis. With
Goonswarms Titan saved IRC and T-K-T withdrew back to their homespace.
T-K-T is a mature Corp which understands its members & respects that people have real lives to conduct, so RL comes first. What they offer:
* Plenty of targets - Daily Corp/Alliance PvP Ops * Capital Ship Programme * Ventrilo server * Alliance Killboards * Alliance/Mining/Ratting/PvP * Based in 0.0 * Personal POS, Research & Manufacturing slots * Access to Outpost Clone vats * An active membership base * An excellent opportunity to learn & fly with highly experienced pilots
What they are looking for:
* Mature Pilots who enjoy having a bit of fun! * All levels of experience considered * Time Zones: Mainly US & Euro * Active Pilots who enjoy working in a team * Your participation in Corp & Alliance operations.