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(Created page with "File:CorpPic.png DreadTech Industries is a Indy/Mission running corporation with strong leadership and knowledgable Directors. The corporation is currently led be ZX73. ...")
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DreadTech Industries is a Indy/Mission running corporation with strong leadership and knowledgable Directors. The corporation is currently led be [[ZX73]].
DreadTech Industries is a Indy/Mission running corporation with strong leadership and knowledgable Directors. The corporation is currently led by [[ZX73]].

Revision as of 10:47, 10 September 2012


DreadTech Industries is a Indy/Mission running corporation with strong leadership and knowledgable Directors. The corporation is currently led by ZX73.

Recruitment Status: Open

Currently recruiting Miners and Mission Runners for High Sec operations in Ammatar space.

What we are looking for:

- 18+ Years Old

- Active account, No trials

- Willingness to Participate in 1 Corp Op a week

- Full API

- Capable of piloting atleast a T1 Fit Battle Cruiser or willingness to train into one quickly.

- Mandatory Voice Comm Usage

What we offer:

- Mineral Buy-Back program

- Orca Support

- Mission Ops

- Production At Cost (T1)

- Friendly Leadership

- Optional Low-Sec Roams

- Lvl 4 Missions with Ammatar Fleet

Contact ZX73 for more information.

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