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I linger by the outer reaches, monitoring the alignment of my probes.  I have everything I need, I tell myself, knowing I have forgotten nothing for the return.  Or if I choose to remain.
It has been countless remaps now, since we came here.  Wonderful in itself to rest the mind by alternate reroute synapse cycles.  Resting the mind by 'migrating' portions of motor functions here, senses there, much like the lungs or heart.  A crude example, but one that makes any other similitude irrelevant or just as inadequate.  To say nothing of the expense of such a procedure, glorious yet extravagant to calculate the cost derived per neuron mass, intensity, cluster density, network pathway lengths, channels, and associations.  Limited first to those exceptional and vital individuals needed to enable and sustain our prosperity over these new and endless horizons, but exploited by the super elite and wealthy. 
Bad thing is you forget.  Forget everything, and so the CONCORD came into existence as we knew it then, originally.  Conscious Ordinate Neural-code Observation and Restoration Division.  Through painstaking decades of what could be considered the golden age of our new civilization, all resources and efforts were united to this single cause.  Clones were born, to insure that the vast commonwealth of experience and enterprise would continue, guarded, and safe in the face of the unpredictable and unknown.  Established before anyone ever thought of corporations, industry or military supremacy.  But before any of these that now plague us returned, there was insanity.  The nose bleeders, we called them then.  Ironic that the last incurable disease that haunted the final prosperity of Old Earth was the first one here.  Along side the long-time established procedures for the prolongation of tissue and its regeneration, which brought upon us an unparalleled state of prosperity on earth, as these advancements, prior to unforeseen, required less maintenance and nutrition.
Along with these biological advancements came, inevitably, the feral traits enhancements.  Procedures that fused the superior traits of certain mammals with those of human organs.  The world had changed forever, but arguably--or...what ''was'' argued that at what level did such 'advancements' begin the decline of our human species?  Was it when we fused with invertibrate's?  When we lost what some feel as a consensual symmetry?  Then how far back can we go? Where exactly did we cross the line and end to be Homo Sapien and begin as Sapien Diversus? 
The vile corruption that ensued brought incalculable consequences, rampant in its marvelous invention for that it realized immortality, which rapidly became the secret and envy of those in power.  A world of darkness, from which nothing could ever remain distinguishably human, brotherly or compassionate.  But there were no floods big enough to cleanse the systems of these feral maniacal hybrids.  Beasts and horrible abominations of sacred Earth's invention; new creations with old names.  Titans without peer or equal, limited only by rival appetites, intrigues and the suspected ambitions of one another, creating havoc that reached even among the remote systems, where The Great Barrier mirrors all that it contains as it continues to creep out, pulling like the ebbing lapping waves of earth's sea as it expands serenely, oblivious to the chaos in its womb.  The legends of Old Earth were the portent of our near extinction.  This...evolution so many worshiped, the near dissolution of our Human qualities.  But such words are not uttered by the denizens of New Eden.  We know better now.
That is what led us to the stars, and now the Eve Gate looms like old death, her iron gates shut behind us, even as the sign faces those that enter; it is not so much that we have abandoned hope.  We just don't remember it.
''end of part 1''

Revision as of 01:05, 30 November 2011

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