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{{Player Alliance |alliancelogo=FCON Logo II.jpg |caption= |alliancename=Fidelas Constans Alliance |ticker=FCON |alliancetype=Republican Oligarchy |founded=Feb, 2009 |status=Active |allianceleader= Chokta(CEO), Prijan Zhodane, Abdiel Kavash (Vice-CEOs) |diplomats= Inm, Tarkinius, Klebitz |publicchannel= |website= |webnicename= |executor=FCON Aerarium Militare |corporations= FCON Aerarium Militare (Executer Corp)

United Amarr Templar Legion (A Founder Corp)

Dark Wolf Development

Free Masons United Inc.

Paladin Order

Heaven's Army

1st Steps Academy

Capital Industries Research And Development

The Black Legionnares

Lords 0f Justice

Nexus Advanced Technologies

Gladius Veritatis

Pegasus Reborn Research Corp (A Founder Corp)

Krait Corp

Brigade of Guards


November 17th

23rd Dark Orbit Squadron

21 SVC Corp

Mission Statement

The Fidelas Constans Alliance, above all else, values an atmosphere of active participation, co-operation, and community to achieve its common goal. We promote collaboration between pilots regarding defending space, missions, exploration, mining, ratting and industry. We are a PVP null alliance, and prefer all our members to live in null. Industrialists need to be combat capable as well, there should never be an exception to combat readiness.

We are anti-pirate, and NRDS in lo-sec. In our current null location Pure Blind, we are NBSI.

Our objective is to create a sustainable and coordinated military presence in Pure Blind to moderate a hot spot on the inlet to the Northern realm. We work to achieve a strong coordination with other Pure Blind residents to help achieve this goal. We are also working to establish infrastructure investment to support local activity; capital stage points, local economy, and jump bridge networks. We also are expanding our efforts to support surrounding CFC territories, and to mobilize operations directly in enemy space.


Fidelas Constans was formed by corporations already in the Providence area, at the beginning of 111 EST (2009), who shared the same goals, and who were looking for a more active environment than their previous alliances. In a relatively short time, FCON established itself as a competent force in the Providence area, taking an active part in patrolling the main thoroughfares, and forming defense fleets against enemy incursions into the Providence and Catch regions, in close collaboration with local Holders and resident alliances.

Mid 111 EST (summer 2009) saw a series of wars being declared by various red alliances, and corporations, most notably Ushra’Khan, during which FCON acquitted it self well. This is also around the time that the FCON battle cry was first heard - "Mei! Mei!" (Mine! Mine!)

Since its inception, FCON had grown substantially, adding new pilots and capabilities, and more than tripling its membership while in Providence . While FCON's focus has been military and policing duties, FCON had been also steadily building an industrial and logistics infrastructure to support these activities, including capital ship manufacturing.

Like all good times, this came to an end with the inception of the Southern Coalition invasion of Providence . Early 112 EST ( Jan/Feb 2010 ) FCON participated in the defense of Providence against the combined Southern Coalition forces. Despite strong resistance to the attacks, FCON lost it's home system in 9-F0B, and it's outpost. Even then, FCON continued to fight against the Southern Coalition, and we will never forgive, nor forget, what was done to what was once a thriving region open to all pilots who respected the NRDS rules in it's space. The ragtag criminals installed into Providence by the Southern Coalition has created a wasteland of what was once a thriving community.

Several months were spent trying to re-establish FCON in null space. Despite the efforts of an alliance not worthy of mention, nor some of it's members with a personal axe to grind, to facilitate the failure of our alliance, we were able to re-establish our alliance in Pure Blind, aiding NC against the Southern Coalition aggression in the region. Those were dark days for the alliance, but those members faithful to our cause worked and fought valiantly for our success.

Since that time, our FCON has grown substantially, and is a respected alliance in Northern Coalition space. We have established sov in multiple systems, with upgrades and infractructure, and have actively been participating in Northern Coalition operations, as well as actively working to clear out enemy assets in Pure Blind.

Mid 112 EST (Aug 2010), the founding CEO, Lupus Aurelius, retired. Though a process for election of a new Senior Consul had been put in place, and a transition team formed for the interregnum, the alliance leadership was taken over in a unilateral action by one of the members of the transition team. Initially accepted by the membership, it became evident over time that improprieties and abuse of office had occured. In Feb. 113 EST (2011), this had become so endemic that the founding CEO transfered shares still in his possession to one of the members of the transition team that was CEO of one of the founding corporations, Chokta, so to bring FCON back on course to it's founding ideals. Since that time, FCON has improved significantly, and in April 113 EST (2011) became a full member of the Northern Coalition.

Soon thereafter DRF , Evoke, Pandemic Legion and a host of friends crashed into the NC. At this stage those that thought themselves in the safest of positions with many barriers to keep the enemy at bay collapsed. Of these Full NC members only one remained at the end to stay the course in Pure Blind. The CFC stayed true to their word in aiding those that stood up to the forces against them, and at the end of this invasion only Fidelas Constans remained from the NC lead Alliances. Also in that list of those remaining LAWN and SMA. The story continues and growth is on the horizon each and every day.

Founder Corporations

Legio V Fidelus (Executor)

United Amarr Templr Legion

Forsaken Forerunners

Right to Rebel


Pegasus Reborn Research Corporation



FCON does not support, nor oppose, the various political factions, i.e.- Gallente, Caldari, Amarr, and Minmatar. FCON welcomes all peoples to their ranks, and holds that any form of discrimination based on race is unacceptable, that a person is judged based on their actions, faith, honor, and integrity. That being said, FCON also believes in “..render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s…”, and abides by the social and political policies of the space they operate in. As stated above, we do not involve ourselves in the politics of other entities, but work to achieve an environment for our alliance that allows for freedom of our members to persue their own goals.

FCON operates as a republican oligarchy. Each member corporation’s representative has the right, and duty, to represent their corporation in the FCON administrative bodies. Each member corporation has a vote in establishing alliance goal, objectives, and operating parameters. Alliance officers exercise executive decision making to those established goals.

Senior Consul (FCON CEO) - Chokta

Junior Consul (FCON Vice-CEOs) -Prijan Zhodane, Abdiel Kavash

Praetor Peregrinus (FCON Diplos) - Inm, Tarkinius, Klebitz

Senior Senators (FCON member corporation CEOs) (voting members)

Senators (FCON member corporation Directors, and FCON Fleet Commanders, Industry Administrators, and officers)

Rules of Engagement

Warning: We are anti-pirate, and NRDS in lo-sec, and in enemy territory, we will engage any neutral found using enemy infrastructure, or unmolested by enemy forces. In our current null location, we are NBSI.

You may be engaged by Fidelas Constans vessels if you meet any of the following criteria:

• You are a known enemy plain and simple

• You are a known pirate or a member of a known pirate corporation or alliance

• You are believed to be allied to or involved in supply operations for Northern Coalition enemies and their allies.

Known Allies

• • •

• • •

Fatal Ascension

Get Off My Lawn

Spacemonkey's Alliance

Known Enemies

Cry Havoc


Northern Coalition.

• the DRF

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