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Complex Details
Sansha Lookout
Signature Strength  ???
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating  ???
Security Highsec
Known Regions Domain
Pirate type Sansha

Room 1

Mineable ore:
3 roids of Hemorphite
4 roids of Jaspet
+/- 25 roids of Veldspar

4x Centii Scavenger
3x Centii Manslayer
4x Centii Enslaver
1x Centii Servant
1x Centior Cannibal
1x Sansha Light Missle Battery

Room 2

Mineable ore:
7 roids of Plagioclase
8 roids of Omber
20 roids of Veldspar

3x Centii Scavenger
2x Centii Manslayer
5x Centii Servant
2x Centii Plaque
1x Centum Ravisher (trigger)

2x Centior Misshape
1x Centior Cannibal
note: possible True Sansha Ravager added to reinforcement

Escalation - Slave Breeding Plants

"Among the intelligence you get from the ruins of this outpost is a schedule for slave transports, listing several times and locations where they are supposed to be. Most of the information is outdated, but your instruments run through the list and find a reachable location."

Room 1:
3x Centi Devourer
3x Centi Enslaver
1x True Sansha's Slavehunter

Note: Destroying slavehunter may trigger an escalation.

Room 2:
Mineable Asteroids:
30 +/- Veldspar

Objects/Pirates: Empty except for a Sansha bunker.

Escalation - Slave Breeding Plants

"Nothing but an old deserted bunker, owned by True Power and probably used as a slave holding place. After a short search, you find a short list of co-ordinates leading to similar facilities nearby."

Room 1:
3x Centii Butcher
3x Centior Devourer
1x True Sansha Enslaver

Note: Destroying the Enslaver may trigger an escalation.

Room 2:
3x Centii Slavehunter

Escalation - Slave Breeding Plants

"Again a True Power slave hold and this time it was inhabited. You have a second look at the list of locations you found and pick out the nearest one."

Room 1:
3x Centii Loyal Enslaver
7x Centior Monster
1x True Sansha's Enslaver

Destroying the True Sansha's Enslaver may or may not trigger an escalation.

Room 2:
3x Centii Plague
2x Centum Ravager

Escalation May Dead End

"Again a slave hold run by the Sansha True Power corporation, much like the last one and now nothing but a smoldering ruin. You punch in the last location from the list you found, but to your dismay the location turns out to be faulty, no point in known space correlates with these coordinates."

Escalation - Slave Breeding Plants

"Again a slave hold run by the Sansha True Power corporation, much like the last one and now nothing but a smoldering ruin. On the navigation panel, you punch in all of the remaining locations from the list you found and a new flight plan pops up."

Low sec, 2 pockets.

First room has a few cruisers and frigates. You must destroy them to activate the acceleration gate.

Second room has a few cruisers and frigates and a True Sansha frigate. Kill the True Sansha frigate to end the escalation.

"Not only have you destroyed a slave breeding facility, but according to some of the freed slaves this was a place where the Sansha experimented with all sorts of drugs and boosters. You wonder if you will one day be remembered by the descendants of the slaves you freed as a hero, or if you should just go to the nearest trade hub and sell them..."

It is unconfirmed as to what loot the final True Sansha frigate drops, if any.

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