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Latest revision as of 12:17, 5 September 2011
- M1, M2, ...
- 1. (initial) Miner1, Miner2, ... (Mining Lasers).
- 2. (initial) Moon1, Moon2.
- Mack
- (abbr.) A Mackinaw exhumer.
- Main
- (abbr.) Main character. This may refer to the current character, or a specific character owned by a player.
- Manufacturing Slot
- An activity slot that may only be used for the manufacturing activity.
- (initial) Micro Auxilliary Power Core.
- (initial) Medium Armor Repair.
- Material
- Any item that is a consumed, damaged or simply required to complete a industry activity.
- Mats
- (abbr.) Materials.
- Max Run Copy
- A blueprint copy with the maximum number of production runs still available. Usually 1500.
- Max Skills
- 1. The condition of having all three skills related to a specific invention attempt trained to level 5.
- 2. The condition of having all invention skills trained to level 5.
- Medium Beams
- (abbr.) Medium Beam Lasers and variations.
- Medium Pulses
- (abbr.) Medium Pulse Lasers and variations.
- Mega Beams
- (abbr.) Mega Beam Lasers and variations.
- Mega Pulses
- (abbr.) Mega Pulse Lasers and variations.
- Mic
- (abbr.) Microwarpdrive.
- Merc
- (abbr.) Mercoxit.
- Minerals
- Any of the eight materials gained from refining ore.
- (initial) Melted Capacitor Console.
- ME
- (initial) Mineral Efficiency (of a blueprint)
- Mega
- 1. Megathron
- 2. Megacyte
- Medical clone
- The clone located in the station a pilot will appear in after being killed.
- Mex
- Mexallon ore.
- Mission running
- Running missions for agents. This is PvE but can risk PvP combat depending on location and mission due to piracy, suicide ganking, etc.
- (initial) Mining Laser Upgrade.
- Mom
- (slang, historical) A super-carrier class ship.
- Moon Material
- Any material that results from the activity of moon harvesting or as a direct result of the refining of those materials.
- (initial) Microwarpdrive.
- Myrm
- (abbr.) A Myrmidon battlecruiser.