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Interstellar eXodus is a pvp corporation formed in 2005. The corporation was a part, and and briefly the leader, of Stain- Alliance. Later they formed R0adkill alliance. The corporation is still active and is currently the leader of Brick sQuad alliance.
Interstellar eXodus is a pvp corporation formed in 2005. The corporation was a part, and and briefly the leader, of Stain- Alliance. Later they formed R0adkill alliance. The corporation is still active and is currently the leader of Brick sQuad alliance.
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== R0adkill is dead - Long live the Brick sQuad ==
== R0adkill is dead - Long live the Brick sQuad ==
After losing most of their friends to Atlas alliance Ie-eX eventually disbanded R0adkill and followed suit. Ie-eX was welcome in Atlas less then 3 weeks as the brick squads started to operate in the south and on occation shooting "blues". Bobby Atlas proceeded to throw Ie-eX out of the alliance. Ie-eX decided that their style of arm-flailing pvp probalby would not suit any of the major alliances operating in 0.0. Instead they formed their own alliance, Brick sQuad, with the expectation that there would only ever be one corporation in such a unruly alliance. As it turned out there where many corporations looking for such a home and Brick sQuad grew rapidly.
After losing most of their friends to Atlas alliance Ie-eX eventually disbanded R0adkill and followed suit. Ie-eX was welcome in Atlas less then 3 weeks as the brick squads started to operate in the south and on occation shooting "blues". Bobby Atlas proceeded to throw Ie-eX out of the alliance. Ie-eX decided that their style of arm-flailing pvp probably would not suit any of the major alliances operating in 0.0. Instead they formed their own alliance, Brick sQuad, with the expectation that there would only ever be one corporation in such an unruly alliance. As it turned out there where many corporations looking for such a home and Brick sQuad grew rapidly.
The alliance roamed around aimlessely for a short period of time before the NC and the drone region powerblock clashed in a major war in and around Geminate. Brick sQuad allied themselves with the NC and managed to reclaim the old Ie-eX stations in Geminate. As the tides of war turned against the NC however Ie-eX once again lost control of the region. Brick sQuad has managed to stay together and is actually growing as the now homeless alliance has once again moved south. This time to Delve region where they have allied with their old friends The Collective and their new alliance BORG.
The alliance roamed around aimlessely for a short period of time before the NC and the drone region powerblock clashed in a major war in and around Geminate. Brick sQuad allied themselves with the NC and managed to reclaim the old Ie-eX stations in Geminate. As the tides of war turned against the NC however Ie-eX once again lost control of the region. Brick sQuad has managed to stay together and is actually growing as the now homeless alliance has once again moved south. This time to Delve region where they have allied with their old friends The Collective and their new alliance BORG.

Latest revision as of 05:15, 21 June 2011

Interstellar eXodus is a pvp corporation formed in 2005. The corporation was a part, and and briefly the leader, of Stain- Alliance. Later they formed R0adkill alliance. The corporation is still active and is currently the leader of Brick sQuad alliance.

Stain civil war - The origins

When Trigger, ceo of MASS corporation and founder of Stain Empire, was ousted from the Empire along with his corp by the usurper Cujo, ceo of Species 5618, he formed Stain- Alliance and thus started the Stain civil war. He asked the corps in Stain Empire to leave the usurper's alliance and join SA. While most corporations did so some of them lost so many members to SE that it was not viable to continue as a corp. To bolster their numbers the corporations Interstellar Elite and eXodus merged, forming Interstellar eXodus under ceo Sweetpea. Having lost almost his entire alliance Cujo and his corp also left SE and fled for empire space, leaving the single corporation Xenobytes to fend for themselves. Massivly outnumbered Xenobytes, now the only corp in Stain Empire, briefly fled Stain but later returned to be a thorn in the side of SA for the entirety if it's existance.

NC invasion - A squad is born

Not long after Stain- Alliance had assumed complete control of Stain the original Northern Coalition, G Alliance, Iron and Razor, invaded Stain. This was an act of revenge for MASS' involvement in the Great Northern War. Outnumbered the corps of SA was soon pushed into their npc stations and unable to fight back. Refusing to accept defeat the talented fc Scooter1 started forming small gangs of usually exclusively Ie-eX members. Theese gangs where nothing short of suicide gangs consisting of cheap tech 1 cruisers and battlecruisers who would engage all but the most ridiculous of odds. The philosophy being; if a gang of 10 cruisers, at 10 million isk each, where all lost killing a single hac, at 250 million isk, of the opposing fleet that counts as a victory. Theese gangs, who became known internally as brick squads, soon became so successful that the NC fleets operating in Stain simply ran away from them. In an attempt to get more targets Ie-eX pvpers moved to the north, living in npc stations, and started striking the NC "at home". It was not long before the NC alliances and their allies learned to fear the brick squads and started jumping into safe empire space or docking up at the mere sight of Ie-eX cruisers. Famously the Ie-eX pvp gangs would mock their enemies by fitting mining lasers to their thoraxes and would mine in NC outpost systems while the owners sat in station gnashing their teeth. Eventually the NC left Stain region and went home and so did Ie-eX leave the north. During this time it also became apperant that Sweetpea could no longer function as the ceo of Ie-eX. Her many obligations outside the game left her being offline for days or sometimes weeks at a time. A corporation meeting was called to adress the issue and a unanimous vote removed Sweetpea as ceo and installed Scooter1 instead.

War on FIX - Rise to power

After several skirmishes between Firmus Ixion alliance and SA the former decided to invade Stain region with a large battleship fleet. Unable to cause any harm to the npc stations the FIX fleet eventually started on their way home only to jump into a bubble camp arranged by MASS and The Collective. Outnumbering the SA forces FIX engaged, unaware that they where being followed by Ie-eX and PRIO who jumped into the bubble behind them. The FIX fleet was utterly destroyed but their action was interpited as an act of war. SA diplomats contacted the small and homeless alliance Huzzah Federation. The plan was for SA to destroy FIX while HF would be given their stations as SA was fully content with living in Stain region and did not want any outposts to defend. In a single night SA captured two of the three conquerable stations in Catch region and handed them over to HF. A large invasion fleet was sent to Querious, FIX main home. During the following 24 hours over 100 FIX battleships was destroyed by SA forces while only losing 8. The fleet then moved to, and sieged, the system FAT-6P. The system was heavily defended by starbases. Dreadnoughts had just been released into the game and the entire SA only owned two. Killing starbases was therefore a long and tedious process. A mercenary corporation, ironically led by Cujo, was even hired but they only brought four dreads and vanished after having killed only a single tower. During the six weeks long siege it became increasingly apperent that Trigger was not going to work out as alliance leader as he had many out of game issues to attend to. It was decided by Trigger himself and a counsil of ceos that Ie-eX, who was at this time the leading pvp corp of the alliance, and Scooter1 would take over as leaders of Stain- Alliance. When FAT-6P finally fell to SA the old friends of SA Band of Brothers alliance decided to interviene on behalf of their "pets" Firmus Ixion. Their diplomats started by contacting Sweetpea who happened to be online at the time and demanded of her that she would end the war and set FIX "blue". This is important to note as BoB would later claim they had no idea Ie-eX was the leading corp of SA at the time, still their first course of action was to contact a former Ie-eX ceo. Sweetpea, however, had been out of the loop for so long that it was only when she tried to do what BoB diplomats asked her that she realised she was no longer the ceo of Ie-eX. She left the corp in a rage. BoB then proceeded to contact Trigger, who had been offline for weeks but happened to be online on this day, with the same demand. Trigger, who still had an alt with director powers in the SA holding corp, did as his old friends asked and set FIX "blue". When the rest of the alliance came to realise this there was an uproar but proper peace negotiations where commenced with FIX none the less. Several propotions where given and recieved but the deal breaker was that FIX wanted free passage for freighters to enter FAT-6P to collect their many assets there, but they would not agree to have them cargo scanned by SA observers on the way into the system. This led Scooter1 and the counsil of ceos to suspect that FIX was going to break the peace agreement and use the freighters to import starbases and other equipment to take FAT-6P back. The counsil of ceos unanimously decided that the cease fire was off and Ie-eX set FIX back to "red". Hours later a brick squad of Ie-eX cruisers and frigs entered Querious and killed several FIX members including the FIX leadership. Only minutes after this Scooter1 was contacted by BoB diplomats, the same BoB who would later deny ever having heard of Scooter1 or Ie-eX. The BoB diplomats message was simple; cease all hostilities against FIX or BoB will declare war. Scooter1 replied by declaring war on BoB. Huzzah Federation along with most of the alliances in the south immediatly sided with BoB and set SA "red". Ironically many of these alliances would later be destroyed by BoB.

War on BoB - Brick squads reborn

Scooter1 ordered all SA assets to be removed from FAT-6P as he suspected BoB would include the Mercenary Coalition and their many capital ships. This was exactly what happened and while SA sat safe in their npc stations in Stain BoB scored their first "victory" by reclaiming the undefended station system for FIX. BoB's next course of action was to move a hac fleet to 9RQ-LP, the traditional home of Ie-eX, and deploy a starbase to live in. This, however, was a mostly empty gesture as Ie-eX brick squads had already moved into the npc portion of Delve region and started attacking BoB in their home systems. While the BoB hac fleet stared at a mostly empty station in Stain their brethen back home, like the NC before them, learned to fear the suicide attacks of Ie-eX and simply stayed docked. Over the following weeks Ie-eX in Delve started mocking BoB by moving their battleships to Delve and using them to rat there largly unopposed. After a few weeks BoB removed their starbase and declared that they had "crushed SA" forgetting to mention that they had lost alot more isk-value in the war then had SA.

War on FIX again - The demise of SA

Not long after the events described above BoB decided that they where completely invincible and declared that they would "reset" all their "blues" and attack any target of opportunity. SA, again under the control of Trigger, immidatly renewed the war on Firmus Ixion. Without the support of BoB the FIX fleets simply ran away and left their station systems undefended. This time SA struck a deal with former enemies SMASH alliance along the same lines as the previous agreement with Huzzah, that SA would destroy FIX and SMASH would recieve any stations conqured. The SA forces conqured all of Catch and most of Querious in a two week timespan. When FIX was down to a single station system BoB changed their mind and set FIX back to "blue" and sent a large fleet to their aid. Additionally new starbases was deployed to hold sovereignty in FIX station systems under BoB's flag. The battle for the last system in Querous not under SA/SMASH control raged for weeks and the station, at times, changed owner several times in a single day. Eventually the SA forces, and their war-coffins, was exhausted and grudgedly SA returned to Stain. While FIX rejoiced Trigger's leadership came into question as he had accepted many corporations into SA who did not partake in the war but simply lived off the lucrative Stain resourses. The disagreement escalated to the point where Interstellar eXodus, Priory of the Lemon and Pegasus Mining and Secureties left Stain- Alliance.

R0adkill - Welcome to Geminate

Ie-eX, PRIO and PMAS formed a new alliance called R0adkill. The plan was to try something completely new, to build and hold an outpost. After much scouting the system TDE4-H was decided to be suitable. The system was easily defended in a "pipe", had many asteroid belts where members could earn money and, most importanty, only a single corp lived there. Foundation was not under any alliance flag, nor have any known friends, and they lived in a starbase that could easily be removed. Three days before the planned invasion date RATEL alliance, who had the same idea, routed FND and built an outpost in TDE4-H. The R0adkill plan was altered and FND, rather then being attacked, was absorbed into R0adkill. SMASH alliance, who in the elapsed time had amassed an impressive capital fleet, was contacted. The two alliances attacked TDE4-H and soon became known as the Smashkill powerblock. RATEL was not easily routed and the siege lasted for weeks until SMASH deployed over 40 starbases in a single night. Rumours had it that RED Alliance, close friends to Smashkill at the time, payed for this endevour. The NC, represented by Pure., Razor, Euphoria Unleashed and Astral Wolves sent a fleet to aid RATEL but it was utterly destroyed by R0adkill forces. TDE4-H fell and SMASH took control of the outpost. Days later R0adkill deployed their own outpost in the nearby starsystem K25-XD. Immedietly upon learning this the NC, led by Euphoria Unleashed, attacked K25-XD. For several weeks R0adkill defended their new home against what seemed an impossibly superior force. Some members of Ie-eX even had to loan money to pay for new clone contracts and attacked the enemy in noob ships and shuttles with assigned carrier fighters. In the end the NC folded to the stubborn defence and brokered a deal where they would be allowed to safely remove their assets from K25-XD. When the cease fire ended brick squads started attacking Euphoria Unleashed assets in BWF-ZZ. EU, however, disbanded due to internal problems and R0adkill claimed the systems around BWF-ZZ for their own. Instead the brick squads started operating in Q-TBHW where Astral Wolves made their home protected by Pure. alliance. After R0adkill had deployed starbases in Q-TBHW and surrounding systems Pure. sent several fleets to try to remove them. Fleets that was easily destroyed by the battle-hardened brick squads. Upon realising they where facing extremely experienced pvpers and that defending Astral Wolves would consume considerable resourses needed in the upcoming NC attack on BoB Pure. brokered a peace agreement between Smashkill and the NC that gave Smashkill complete control over Geminate.

The drone wars - R0adkill hits a roadblock

After assuming complete control over Geminate the situation soon became boring for the pvp oriented members of Ie-eX. R0adkill at the time was very far from any hostiles being "blue" to both RED Alliance/Goonswarm in the south and the NC in the north. When the gates to the new drone regions opened it was seen as an excellent opportunity to find new enemies. The Smashkill forces soon invaded and claimed an outpost. The alliances in the drone regions, with the notable exception of Atlas alliance, soon banded together to face this new threat. When Smashkill next attacked an outpost system they found it defended by a hugely numerically superior force. The battle raged for several days without any side being able to gain the upper hand. One evening when the forces of Smashkill was outnumbered even more then usual Ie-eX fc Gods Army formulated a plan. He led the forces of Smashkill to another outpost system and started attacking the starbases defending it. When the drone region powerblock rushed over to engage Smashkill Gods Army had prepared a bubble trap en route. Outnumbered but with a severe tactical advantage Smashkill managed to destroy the enemy fleet. This broke the fighting spirit of the drone region powerblock and instead of forming a new fleet they started bickering over whose fault the defeat was. Not wanting more space R0adkill ceased major fleet operations in the drone regions and started sending brick squads instead. However the changing landscape of EVE with larger defence fleets, hordes of carriers and the introduction of jump bridges on starbases led to varied results. The following year R0adkill picked fights with enemies big and small but the overwhelming superiority of the brick squad tactic was broken and Ie-eX adapted to a more modern fighting style with more expensive ship hulls and a larger focus on surviving the engagement. One day, on a regular "roam" Scooter1 discovered that the cyno jamming starbase in a FREGE outpost system was being offlined. Acting swiftly a single Ie-eX carrier with a starbase on board was jumped in and anchored. So began the second major Smashkill attack on the drone region powerblock, this time supported by Atlas alliance. Smashkill managed to secure several outposts before being suddenly attacked by their own allies Goonswarm and RED Alliance. After having killed a Goonswarm titan, but at the same time losing a large number of capital ships to severe lag, Smashkill retreated to Geminate. In the many years they had only known convincing victories the Smashkill forces had grown soft and poor at hard-mode pvp. SMASH abandoned their stations within days without having fired a single shot in defence. R0adkill and Atlas mounted a semblance of defence but was sourly outgunned and was driven back. Hordes of corporations and individual members who had only joined R0adkill to get access to 0.0 resourses left the alliance and fled to empire space. Ie-eX tried mounting a defence in the old style, with small fast cruiser gangs but it was to little avail against fleets of hundreds of battleships and dozens of supercapitals. In the end Geminate was lost. R0adkill returned to 9RQ-L8 in Stain but the alliance didnt last. Several corporations left the alliance, mostly to join Atlas alliance who had struck a deal with Stain Empire and was allowed to live in their space.

R0adkill is dead - Long live the Brick sQuad

After losing most of their friends to Atlas alliance Ie-eX eventually disbanded R0adkill and followed suit. Ie-eX was welcome in Atlas less then 3 weeks as the brick squads started to operate in the south and on occation shooting "blues". Bobby Atlas proceeded to throw Ie-eX out of the alliance. Ie-eX decided that their style of arm-flailing pvp probably would not suit any of the major alliances operating in 0.0. Instead they formed their own alliance, Brick sQuad, with the expectation that there would only ever be one corporation in such an unruly alliance. As it turned out there where many corporations looking for such a home and Brick sQuad grew rapidly. The alliance roamed around aimlessely for a short period of time before the NC and the drone region powerblock clashed in a major war in and around Geminate. Brick sQuad allied themselves with the NC and managed to reclaim the old Ie-eX stations in Geminate. As the tides of war turned against the NC however Ie-eX once again lost control of the region. Brick sQuad has managed to stay together and is actually growing as the now homeless alliance has once again moved south. This time to Delve region where they have allied with their old friends The Collective and their new alliance BORG.

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