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The New Eden Trade Union [Ticker: NETU] was created in Late 2009, and officially launched in January of 2010, with the goal of introducing a new concept to corporation leadership: the Team Format. Originally intended to be the New Eden Trade Organization, NETU adopted "Union" at the end of its name due to previous claims to the suffix "Organization."

Leadership in NETU is structured similar to the original concept of a fortune 500 company, with its titles be the most striking similarity. Employee's are called "Team Members," Supervisors are called "Team Leaders," Managers are called "Corporate Team Leaders" (CTL's) and the Chief Executive Officer remains unchanged as a position. Each department has CTL's, Team Leads, Specialists, and Team Members, each with functions that help build NETU's image.


The New Eden Trade Union began as a sovereign entity, with its own diplomatic policies, and its own negotiations with other entities. Shortly after its creation, NETU joined Arrogance, and Alliance based out of Caldari Space, south of the Northern Territories in New Eden. After political dissonance with the direction of Arrogance, NETU shareholders voted to move to Amarr Space, initiating a 3 day move of critical assets to Devoid Region.

Weeks after arriving in Devoid, NETU adopted NRDS Rules of Engagement, and thereafter, joined Apocalypse Now. Alliance. NETU has been inconsistently involved in the events in Providence during the earlier months in the year 112 (2010).

Currently, NETU is operating out of Northern Devoid low security space, and southern Devoid near Providence. The corporation actively engages in small skirmishes in Providence, and it against the current establishment of the New Providence Entities.

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