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Revision as of 18:44, 23 June 2010

Name Systematic-Chaos
Ticker [SYS-K]
Type PVP 0.0 Alliance
Founded June 17, 2008
Status active
Contact details
Alliance CEO council
Diplomat(s) Carl Tremura, Kel'taith
Public Channel
Website [ ]
Executor SYS-K Infrastructure


On June 17th 2008 a small alliance was started in the northern part of the Stain Region.

Originally 6 corporations formed the alliance these were:

  • Insurgent New Eden Tribe, Corp ticker:I.NET
  • r.evolution 8, Corp ticker: R.E 8
  • Ceptacemia, Corp ticker: CEPTA
  • League of Gentlemen, Corp Ticker: LOG
  • Chin Dynasty, Corp Ticker: CHIN
  • Nothing, Inc, Corp Ticker: -.N.-

Brief History

At its highest point SYS-K had approximately 3200 members in the alliance, since leaving the Stainwagon, the loss of its primary executor corp and its leader Liam Fremen, Systematic-Chaos has reduced back down to 10 corps consisting of approximately 570 players.

Area(s) of Operation

Originally located in Stain, then they moved into Esoteria to fight against the Goonswarm, Pandemic Legion and Zenith Affinity, to eventually reclaim Esoteria for the Stainwagon.

After leaving the Stainwagon and losing a fight for Esoteria, the alliance has moved to Period Basis.

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