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A Cosmos agent resident of Machine Head in Hjoramold.

Nabur Verkort; Brutor Tribe. Intelligence L3 Q0

Breaking Tradition – The Shaman’s Abode Part 1 of 3

[Encounter - Maru] Reward: 500,000, Bonus: 200,000 (3 hours)

Breaking Tradition – The Shaman’s Abode Part 2 of 3

[Courier 0.1m3] Jumps [18] Reward: 1000 Units of Medium Republic Fleet EMP, Bonus: 500,000 (4 hours)

Breaking Tradition – Betrayal Part 3 of 3

[Encounter/Trade: 1 unit of Sispur's Security Camera Logs ] Reward: 1 Unit of Multi Sensor Firewall Sensor 3Run BPC ME15 PE6, Bonus: 1 Unit of Memory Augmentation Basic (6 hours) [4.6% increase Gallente / 5.75% Minmatar]


  • Acquire the Sispur Estate Keycard from Famon Gurch in the Carnival in Barkrik *Static NPC.
  • Enter Sispur's Estate in Hjoramold using this one-way keycard and acquire the Sispur's Security Camera Logs from Sispur's Control Tower. You will have to destroy the control tower to access the logs, but be careful: it is very securely monitored. They will agro soon after you start shooting against the control tower, SO!!: # Get very close to it; # Align; # Start shooting with all you got; # Take the can get the hell out before you get webbed by 8 (or so) ships; (You will not loose any stands for destroying the control tower, but I can not say the same about shooting the ships).
  • Report back to Nabur Verkort with the security logs.
  • Myrmidon was used for this mission
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