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Revision as of 20:47, 10 August 2009

Complex Details
Blood Lookout
Signature Strength 2.4
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating unrated
Security Highsec
Known Regions
Pirate type Blood Raiders

Blood Lookout is a common high security exploration complex found in Kador region.

The gate allows use by any non-capital ship type.

Room 1

Mineable ore: 15,000 units of Hemorphite. 25,000 units of Jaspet and over 1,7 million Veldspar.

Blood Raider Control Center (structure) is always empty.

Group 1

  • 4 Corpii Reaver

Group 2

  • 2 Corpior Visionary
  • 1 Corpior Converter

Group 3

  • 3 Corpii Engraver

Group 4

  • 3 Corpum Arch Reaver
  • 2 Corpior Visionary
  • 1 Blood Light Missile Battery

Room 2

Mineable ore: Plagioclase, 85,000 units of Omber and Veldspar.

Upon destruction of the group near the solar harvester (group 2), an additional group will spawn that may contain a Dark Blood frigate.

Group 1

  • 4 Corpii Reaver
  • 2 Corpior Devoter
  • 1 Corpior Templar

Group 2

  • 2 Corpii Herald
  • 2 Corpior Converter
  • 2 Corpum Arch Sage

Group 3

  • 3 Corpii Reaver

Escalation - Following the Blood

"Without you noticing, a small group of the Blood ships slipped away at the beginning of the fight. Luckily your radar systems have picked up a trace leading to this location."

This site consists of a single room with 2 groups of 3 frigates, and a faction frigate. Killing the faction frigate may trigger an escalation.

Escalation - Following the Blood

"You have destroyed the pirate threat. Your sensors have recovered co-ordinates from one of the frigate wreckages. "

You warp into a single room of 4 cruisers 4 frigates, and a faction frigate. Killing the faction frigate may trigger an escalation.

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