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Revision as of 05:28, 1 March 2009

The Leviathan class titan is the pride and joy of Caldari engineering. Sporting a bonus for fleet member shield hitpoints, the Leviathan provides excellent support and the possiblity for massive firepower. The Leviathan follows the Caldari color scheme, using a deep gray for it's hull.


A Leviathan is a great mythical sea creature of tremendous size. Some historic literature suggests the leviathan to be a flame-breathing creature over 300 miles in length. The leviathan falls into line with Caldari ships in that it's named after a creature.

Doomsday Device

The Leviathan's doomsday device is known as the Oblivion, for obvious reasons. It deals a substantial amount of kinetic damage to every ship within range of its effect.

Leviathan Images

Below are additional ships images. Click the image below for a larger version:


  1. Wikipedia.org
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