Difference between revisions of "Help talk:Disambiguation"

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Revision as of 04:21, 4 February 2009

"In this case it is achieved using Mercury as a disambiguation page." The irony, of course, being that it is not a disambiguation page. And since there are only two things in Eve that are referred to as Mercury that I can think of (the moon mineral and the ISD department), it can make do with the disambiguation link discussed later on the page . . . maybe you should use a different example, CCP? --Garion Avarr 03:17, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

Over agressive disambiguation

By forcing (fitting), (player), (corporation), (guide) and other disambiguations to article names, you are breaking the simplicity rule of wiki media and its disambiguation rules. e.g. Salvaging, Salvaging (Guide) and Salvaging guide all refer to same thing, but yet they are scattered, thus disambiguation is pointless. If the article is about Ishkur, how to fit such wessel should be in the same article. Or are we fitting some other ship than ishkur in Ishkur (Fitting) article? Also capitalziation the names inside of ()'s also break naming conventions rules. Top of that, it renders the info from database useless as the FACTs are separated from WIKIs. BlackSmith Sisunautti 10:07, 4 February 2009 (UTC)

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