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The Beginnings
Ars Caelestis was founded in the first week of November, 2005, and was based in the Tourier system in Gallente space. The corporation was founded to provide a place in EvE for members of the ArsTechnica and Arsclan forum communities. The corp was small, and initially focused mainly on group mining operations. New members were lured with promises of a "welcome package for new members, including a ship, equipment, and some startup cash" to quote our illustrious CEO. The corp was very excited to have made "almost 100 million isk" as a group on their previous mining op, and the immediate goal was to break the magic 100 million isk barrier next time around. Ars Caelestis' combat wing was mainly concerned with running missions, as well as defending miners from belt rats and ore theives. At the time, mining ops were generally held in high security space; the first all-corp lowsec mining op did not occur until about a month later, on December 4 2005. Members at the time were very impressed with the 350k bounties available on lowsec belt rats.
Under the name Ars Caelestis, the corporation was a member of the Huzzah Federation, ASCN, and Curse Alliance.
It was with much sadness that the demise of Ars Caelestis was annonced to the EVE World, the Curse Alliance and perhaps worst of all; to the players that made up the organisation! In a bizzare and still shocking way, the CEO of Ars C (Achilles Thorongmor) annonced the demise of Ars Caelestis. [1]. Seizing control through his majority power in the corporation, Achilles removed all members roles, seized all corporation assests and BPO's and then force booted all players. Several capital ships and freighters were taken, along with the entire ARS C T2 BPO Fund ISK, all BPO's and minerals. Ars C players logged in to find not only everything they had strived for these last 18 months gone, but general confusion among our leadership and fellow players.
The following 72 hours allowed the Ex-Ars pilots to ponder our fates whilst the leadership team worked around the clock. Eventually, Ars ex Discordia -"Art out of Chaos" - was formed. The true value of Ars C was shown by both the pilots and the leadership, and the stupidity that was Achillies reasoning highlights his lack of understanding; that even with No isk, no plan, and no visable future, the ARS comunitty stuck together to form a new corporation, which has since flourished.
Ars ex Discordia is currently an active member of Goonswarm Alliance and makes a home in the AZN system of the Feythabolis Region. Recruitment is not done openly, only active longstanding members of the arsTechnica or Arsclan forum communities are invited to join.