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NOTE: Voting is now complete, and the [[CSM8 "Reasonable Things" Results|results are now available]].
NOTE: Voting is now complete, and the [[CSM8 "Reasonable Things" Results|results are now available]].

Latest revision as of 20:40, 17 May 2014

NOTE: Voting is now complete, and the results are now available.

Here are the 99 items CSM8 selected from the 1363 suggestions submitted by the community. Instructions on how to vote for your favorite items can be found in in this devblog. Submit your vote in this thread. You may find the CSM's Voting Assistant Tool useful in creating and ranking your list.

Brief summary of instructions (see devblog for more details):

1) Make a list of the suggestions you like, as many as you want (we suggest at least 10-15)

2) Rank your suggestions from most favorite to least favorite.

3) Create a ballot string: this is <your character name>,<number of favorite suggestion>,<number of next favorite suggestion>, etc., and post it in the voting thread. Make sure the name of the poster and the character name in the ballot line match.

For example, Angus McRanker's ballot string might be:

Angus McRanker,13,77,23,4,98,11,87,33

PS: “Selection” does not imply that a CSM agrees that the suggestion should be implemented, only that it should be voted on. For example, #49…

The 99 Most Reasonable Things are:

  1. Alliance Bookmarks (like corp but available across alliance).

    Keywords: ui, alliance, bookmarks
    Notes: This would hopefully a) make life easier in coordinating an alliance and b) reduce the overall number of bookmarks. Selected by 9 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Korvin, Mangala Solaris, Mike Azariah, mynnna, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  2. Remove pointless extraneous requirements such as having to leave your ship and pause your skill queue before jump cloning can take place. This should be done automatically as part of the clonejump process.

    Keywords: jump-clones.
    Notes: Selected by 9 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Korvin, Mangala Solaris, mynnna, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  3. Remove the five limit-max on overview tabs, and allow for a second row of tabs to appear.

    Keywords: ui,overview
    Notes: Selected by 8 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Korvin, Mangala Solaris, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  4. Comprehensive revamp of drone UI.

    Keywords: drone, ui
    Notes: Selected by 8 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Korvin, Mangala Solaris, Mike Azariah, mynnna, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  5. More slots for Corp Bookmarks and/or create ALLIANCE level bookmarks.

    Keywords: bookmarks, corporation, alliance
    Notes: Selected by 8 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Korvin, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  6. Changing t3 subs on POS SMA. (Note: Same as #31, votes for either will be combined)

    Keywords: pos, wormholes
    Notes: Selected by 8 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Korvin, Mangala Solaris, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  7. When an SMA or CHA is destroyed, the contents should drop.

    Keywords: bug, pvp, pos
    Notes: Selected by 8 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Korvin, Mangala Solaris, Mike Azariah, mynnna and Sort Dragon
  8. Allow launch drones to be bound to a hotkey.

    Keywords: drones, hotkey
    Notes: Selected by 8 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Korvin, Mike Azariah, mynnna, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  9. Add personal SMAs to POSes.

    Keywords: pos, wormholes
    Notes: Selected by 7 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Mangala Solaris, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  10. Allow us to add or remove items from silos in a POS without the need to offline the silo first.

    Keywords: pos, industry, reactions
    Notes: See url={http://www.dropbox.com/s/sv5dndvmtcj9i6j/can%27t%20acess%20online%20silos.png&domain=dropbox.com, offlinesilo.png}. Selected by 7 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, Korvin, Mangala Solaris, mynnna, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  11. Allow players to swap (not jump) clones in wormhole space using the Rorqual.

    Keywords: pos, wormhole
    Notes: Selected by 7 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Korvin, Mangala Solaris, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  12. Reduce jump clone cool down.

    Keywords: clone, jump clone
    Notes: 24 hours is a bit excessive!. Selected by 7 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Mangala Solaris, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  13. Killmails to also show Logistic pilots, if they rep the person that did the damage/killing blow. (Note: same as #75, votes for either will be combined)

    Keywords: killmails.
    Notes: Selected by 7 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Mangala Solaris, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  14. Show drone health even when they are in the drone bay.

    Keywords: ui, drones
    Notes: You don't know which are damaged and it's luck to launch those that still have full health. Selected by 7 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Korvin, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  15. In addition to 'Log Off' and 'Quit Game', add a button to take you directly to the character selection screen.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Selected by 6 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, Mangala Solaris, Mike Azariah, mynnna, Ripard Teg and Sort Dragon
  16. When you drag a module from one slot to another slot that is occupied, swap the modules in those slots.

    Keywords: ui,fitting
    Notes: Selected by 6 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, Korvin, Mangala Solaris, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  17. Allow ships to be boarded from a SMA anywhere in POS shields.

    Keywords: pos, wormholes
    Notes: Selected by 6 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Mangala Solaris, mynnna, Ripard Teg and Sort Dragon
  18. Allow drugs (boosters) to be contained in contracts.

    Keywords: contracts, boosters
    Notes: They can be sold on the market, why are they banned from contracts? This is yet another hassle when trying to use boosters. Selected by 6 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Korvin, mynnna and Sort Dragon
  19. Make bookmarks visible on the new sensor overlay.

    Keywords: bookmark
    Notes: Selected by 6 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, Korvin, Mangala Solaris, mynnna, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  20. Increase limit of saved fittings from 100 to 200+.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Selected by 6 CSMs: James Arget, Korvin, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  21. Tie jump clone timer to distance of jump, IE: jump between non-adjacent regions, 24h; between adjacent regions, 20h; within same region, 16h; within same constellation, 12h; within same system, 8h; within same station, 4h.

    Keywords: clones, jump clones
    Notes: Selected by 6 CSMs: James Arget, Mike Azariah, mynnna, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  22. Status indicator to show you when you're inside a warp bubble.

    Keywords: bubbles, ui, status indicators
    Notes: It's all nice and dandy that we can see who's scramming us, but that was already visible on the overview, the only way to tell if you're OUT of a bubble is by holding alt to see the little cursor over your ship, then zoom and move the camera around to get the best view to see if you've actually burned out of a bubble. Selected by 6 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, James Arget, mynnna, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  23. Allow corps and alliances to draft, save and share their own Certificates.

    Keywords: ui, certificates
    Notes: Selected by 6 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Korvin, Mike Azariah, mynnna and Sort Dragon
  24. Release high-resolution textures as an optional download.

    Keywords: graphics, enabler
    Notes: Selected by 6 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, James Arget, mynnna, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  25. Add "Create bookmark" shortcut.

    Keywords: bookmark, shourcut, ui
    Notes: When i want adding new bookmark, i must open "Place & people" and click button "Create bookmark". Selected by 6 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  26. Multiple rows of chat tabs (2 minimum) to save space.

    Keywords: ui, useability, chat, social, everyone
    Notes: Selected by 6 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Mangala Solaris, Mike Azariah, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  27. Make it so you cannot use a gang link module inside a POS Shield, only outside it.

    Keywords: pos, gang bonuses, warfare link, pvp
    Notes: Selected by 6 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Korvin, Mangala Solaris, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  28. Have the ability to stack/repackage your items from the assets panel, regardless of station location.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Selected by 5 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, Mangala Solaris, mynnna, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  29. Expand skill queue window to 48 or 72 hours.

    Keywords: skills, training, learning, queue, sp
    Notes: Selected by 5 CSMs: Korvin, Mike Azariah, mynnna, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  30. Limit drone assist in the same way assigning fighters is restricted.Note: Instalocking finger of death from fleets of sentries is unbalanced. Selected by 5 CSMs: Mike Azariah, mynnna, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  31. Swap T3 subsystems within a POS. (Note: Same as #06, votes for either will be combined)

    Keywords: strategic cruiser, tech 3, subsystem, starbase, pos, wormhole
    Notes: One benefit of Tech 3's is their versatility when able to change subsystems. This versatility isn't able to be used in POSes, so I have to own 2-3 Tech 3's of a given type if I want to run more than one static subsystem configuration. Selected by 5 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Korvin, Ripard Teg and Sort Dragon
  32. Prevent people from accessing xl-sma if they are outside the forcefield.

    Keywords: xl-sma, pos
    Notes: Selected by 5 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Korvin, mynnna and Sort Dragon
  33. Corp and Alliance logos printed on the sides of ships.

    Keywords: graphics, ships
    Notes: Selected by 5 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, Korvin, Mike Azariah, mynnna and Sort Dragon
  34. Hull Repair drones, because Real Pilots, and Really Drunk Pilots, structure tank.

    Keywords: drones
    Notes: Selected by 5 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Korvin, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  35. Allow bookmarks to be copied without removing the bookmark itself. Or if this is already possible, make it easier to figure out.

    Keywords: ui, bookmarks
    Notes: Currently it's a pain to copy bookmarks for everyone. It's just a set of coordinates. It shouldn't be. Selected by 5 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Mike Azariah, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  36. Make implants recoverable from corpses, possibly by the reprocess facility in stations.

    Keywords: implants, pvp, death, loot
    Notes: Selected by 5 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg and Sort Dragon
  37. Allow pos mods to be built at a pos.

    Keywords: pos, production, manufactoring
    Notes: Selected by 5 CSMs: Ali Aras, Korvin, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  38. Allow the saving and fitting of POS's like ship fittings.

    Keywords: pos
    Notes: Dragging individual modules into place on a POS is frustrating and time consuming, allowing this to be done automatically would end this. Selected by 5 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Korvin, Mike Azariah and Sort Dragon
  39. Rework corp management UI.

    Keywords: corporation, enablers, ui
    Notes: Having to open the wiki site to read the use of those roles is unintuitive. Selected by 5 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Korvin, Mangala Solaris and Sort Dragon
  40. Make it possible to fit mods that you don't have the skill for (they go offline).

    Keywords: fitting, ui, ship management
    Notes: Whether fitting ship for yourself or others, this saves time and offers no advantage other than ease of use. Selected by 5 CSMs: Ali Aras, Mangala Solaris, mynnna, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  41. Add option to automatically expand the fleet as it fills up OR add option to "Create all Wings/Squads" in one click.

    Keywords: ui, fleet, fleet window, large fleets
    Notes: Selected by 5 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Mangala Solaris and Sort Dragon
  42. Put bookmarks on the overview and give them brackets.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Wasn't this already planned? I remember it being in the patch notes a while back and then it got cancelled or something. Selected by 5 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  43. Give the user the option of "auto stacking" inventory in both cargo hold and hangar.

    Keywords: inventory, automation
    Notes: Via menu selection I can choose to automatically stack items that appear in my inventory (scrap metal, ammunition and charges, etc). Selected by 5 CSMs: Ali Aras, Mike Azariah, mynnna, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  44. Bounties deplete first in, first out.

    Keywords: bounties
    Notes: A bounties B for 30 million. C bounties B for 50 million. Once 30 million has been claimed on B, A stops hearing about it. Selected by 5 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Mangala Solaris, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  45. Display the gun/drone/missle ranges when you hold your mouse over the dps readout.

    Keywords: ui,fitting
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Mike Azariah, mynnna, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  46. Fix the pulse of the of the cloak module activation (and similar modules) to a steady, bright glow and then add a bright flash-out if you are decloaked by something.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Korvin, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  47. Fix the uselessness of most storyline modules.

    Keywords: modules, balance
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, Korvin, Mangala Solaris and mynnna
  48. Remove attributes and attribute implants. Allow skills to be trained at a flat 2700SP/hr.

    Keywords: everyone, pvp
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, mynnna, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  49. Get rid of the CSM. If they're not actually thinking and promoting issues they have no value left. CCP already pays game designers.

    Keywords: csm, useless
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: James Arget, mynnna, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  50. In Overview Settings > Filter > States, have every toggle set as an [IF,And+Or] statement instead of an [IF,AND] but sometimes [IF,OR]; Making setting up overviews more intuitive.

    Keywords: ui, overview, intuitive design
    Notes: Drives me absolutely insane that friendlies or enemies may not show up on my overview if I don't have 'Show all Criminals, Suspects, Bounties, and some other things' even though they meet the criteria I care about, standings, alliance, Fleet, stuff like that. Selected by 4 CSMs: James Arget, Mangala Solaris, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  51. Make it so the arrows to move probes are always 90 angle to the camera so the wider side is always clickable.

    Keywords: user interface, scanning
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, James Arget, mynnna and Sort Dragon
  52. More access configuration options for Personal Hangar Arrays.

    Keywords: pos, wormholes
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Mike Azariah and Sort Dragon
  53. Add visual cone shape showing curent D-scan area both in map and in space.

    Keywords: pvp, ui
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: James Arget, mynnna, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  54. Let player to create, save and re-use custom scan probe layouts.

    Keywords: scanning, ui
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, James Arget, Korvin and Sort Dragon
  55. Make nanite paste so that when a ship has it in the cargo it can still be loaded in orca / carrier.

    Keywords: nanite paste, carrier, orca
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Korvin, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  56. Allow bookmark folders to be nested.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  57. Make drone commands accessible via the radial menu.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: James Arget, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  58. Implement remote-stacking of items.

    Keywords: ui, assets
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: James Arget, mynnna, Ripard Teg and Sort Dragon
  59. Allow us to put certificates on the skill queue as if they were skills.

    Keywords: ui, certificates, skill queue
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Mangala Solaris, Mike Azariah and mynnna
  60. Put the cop light back on the navy comet. Add a siren (activates when you target someone).

    Keywords: navy comet, nypd, lapd, pull over
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Korvin, mynnna and Ripard Teg
  61. Allow buy ship and it's fiting from saved fits window.

    Keywords: trade, market
    Notes: Buy 10 drakes and all modules and ammo in Jita requires a long time. I want do it with one button. Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Korvin, Mangala Solaris and Ripard Teg
  62. Make it possible to save modules in cargo hold in saved fittings (for alliance fleet fits that might require refitting).

    Keywords: fitting, ui, usability, saved fittings, fleet fits, alliance fit, corp fit, refitting.
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Korvin, mynnna and Trebor Daehdoow
  63. Add a home region to corp recruitment bulletins.

    Keywords: corp management, recruitment
    Notes: High sec is not specific enough for some people who want to join a corp, but like operating out of certain parts of high sec. Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Mangala Solaris, mynnna and Ripard Teg
  64. Allow more than 1 jump clone to be stored in a station.

    Keywords: clone, training, jump clone, jumpclone, implant, implants
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  65. Add a button that changes what unit of measurement (AUs or KMs) is used to set the directional scanner's range.

    Keywords: ui, directional scanner
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, James Arget and Trebor Daehdoow
  66. Tactical overlay (Ctrl-D) should be able to show velocity vector (direction+speed) of displayed objects. (Note: same as #74, votes for either will be combined)

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Korvin and Trebor Daehdoow
  67. Allow multiple identical BPCs to be combined into a bigger BPC that can take the combined number of runs.

    Keywords: industry, manufacturing, science, usability, interface, blueprint
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, mynnna and Ripard Teg
  68. A VERY important one: make blocking a player block all communications from his ACCOUNT, not just that one character, who can just delete and make new character and spam you all over again! that is also what a players means when he blocks another player, he doesn't mean the specific character of the player, he means the offending player and all his characters.

    Keywords: blocking, player, communication, interaction, block, account, spam
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  69. Make defender missiles useful.

    Keywords: gameplay
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Korvin, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  70. Ability to switch character without closing and restarting Eve.

    Keywords: character select, ui, 2013
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Mike Azariah, mynnna and Sort Dragon
  71. Make nanite paste ammo, so when a ship has that in its cargo it can still be loaded in orca and carriers.

    Keywords: nanite paste, carriers, orca's, module group
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Korvin, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  72. Make the EVE Gate a star visible from "anywhere" as per the lore, in EVE and DUST514.

    Keywords: lore, immersion, roleplay, navigation
    Notes: Systems buried deep in dust clouds might not be able to see it. Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Korvin, Mangala Solaris and Ripard Teg
  73. Add "distress signal" mission in space.

    Keywords: missions, pve
    Notes: Make random rescue missions spawn in system, it can appear as expeditions, player is informed by a small popup info, similar to that of escalation; objective may be either kill al hostiles, kill tackler holding NPC scrambled, or kill hostile commander. All player currently in space in system receive notification at the same moment and can complete it simultainously the same way anomalies work, pocket despawns instantly on last PC's warpout, rewards and difficulty depend on system's security status, and successfull completion may give minuscule standing gain to local empire (in high), concord (in low), or sov owner (in null). Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Mike Azariah and mynnna
  74. Ship Velocity Vectors. (Note: same as #66, votes for either will be combined)

    Keywords: pvp, small gang, tactical overlay, ui, overview
    Notes: Add a single new vector to every ship on the tactical overlay, showing speed and direction of each ship. Additionally (optionally), add a new overview tab that governs the filtering and colouring of the velocity vectors. Make the vectors always show up with the same size, independently of zoom level, because they're more useful the more the screen is zoomed out. See url={https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=896733#post896733, https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=896733#post896733} and url={http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1325992, http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1325992} for a complete explanation and lots of support, including CSM Trebor Daehdoow. Keep this simple, and it will be a great boon to small gang play!. Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  75. I would like logi ships to appear on the killmails generated by the ships that they rep. For example: Player A is attacking player B and player C is repping player A. Player A destroys player B. On the deathmail of player B, player C would appear under involved parties. (Note: same as #13, votes for either will be combined)

    Keywords: pvp, logi, killmail, ship module
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Mike Azariah, Ripard Teg and Sort Dragon
  76. Improve (restore, actually) audio and visual cues for players on a grid when a gate is activated by another player.

    Keywords: cues, graphics, sound, situational awareness, user interface
    Notes: CCP previously announced a goal of improving player situational awareness by enhancing or adding audio and visual cues to the user interface. However, with Odyssey the gate fire visual effect was significantly toned down and the sound effect was removed entirely. This is primarily a nerf to small gang and solo players who rely on such cues to know when enemy reinforcements arrive during a fight. I am suggesting a very small, easy fix to repair a previously functioning mechanic. Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Korvin and Trebor Daehdoow
  77. Add small gang highsec / losec PVP/PVE events to the game.

    Keywords: small gang, pvp, pve, missions.
    Notes: Despite the keyword these should not be missions perse but similar too a small fleet engagement which is taking place in a given system. Like incursions these should be broadcast to all players in the relevant system, and include perhaps an ally to be rescued or enemy of the current sovereignty holder to be destroyed. In this way combat between gallente and caldari and minmatar and amarr could be displayed to players and to create a more hostile and less uniform highsec environment. "A small hostile fleet has warped into your system, in response the caldari nation is offering triple bounties and concord LP for their destruction!" or "A friendly industrial convoy and their guards have been disabled by Sansha Raiders. Assistance is requested, further intelligence is unavailable at this time. Rewards are offered by such and who for the safe return of the remainder of the fleet to X station!" or "An unidenfitied group has been located attacking a mining fleet! Assistance requested and rewards insured by X corporation!". Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Korvin and Sort Dragon
  78. Increase number of Corporation Fittings.

    Keywords: fittings
    Notes: Just 200, serious? There are way more ships in eve than that, not to mention all the variation. Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Korvin, Mangala Solaris and Sort Dragon
  79. Improve taxation mechanics / Taxing market activity and mining.

    Keywords: corporation, taxation
    Notes: The poor red cross shooter has to pay, miners are hard to monitor and market activity is almost impossible to track. Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, mynnna and Sort Dragon
  80. AFK and ready check indicators in fleet and corp chat.

    Keywords: ui, corp
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Mangala Solaris and Sort Dragon
  81. Show details about heat damage on module mouse-over. Nanite paste and time required to completely repair with current skills.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Korvin, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  82. Ability to create bookmarks that expire in 12hours 24 hours 48 hours.

    Keywords: ui, bookmarks, explorers, pirates
    Notes: A lot of bookmarks that are made are temporary and if you visit the same system often they can get clogged. Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Korvin and Ripard Teg
  83. Clone Switching - Like clone jumping but there's no (or small) timer and you can only do it within station.

    Keywords: clones, clone jumping, implants, variety, everyone
    Notes: Particularly useful with gang mindlinks or if someone wants to fly slave/snake/crystal clone with zero force projection gain. Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, James Arget, Mike Azariah and Ripard Teg
  84. Abandoned Unfueled POS can be unanchored.

    Keywords: abandoned, pos, unfueled, mechanics, no squatting
    Notes: After 30~ days without fuel; something similar to reinforced mechanic where anyone can initiate a timer of x amount of days, at the end of this it can be unanchored and taken. The only person who can stop the timer is the owner. Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  85. Allow the directional scanner (d-scan) to use an overview profile independently of those loaded into the overview tabs.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Selected by 4 CSMs: Ali Aras, Chitsa Jason, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  86. Under the slider that adjust the program cycle time in the survey window add buttons to set 'One Day', 'Three Days', 'One Week' or 'Two weeks'.

    Keywords: ui,pi
    Notes: Selected by 3 CSMs: mynnna, Ripard Teg and Trebor Daehdoow
  87. Add two new shortcut keys to open and loot containers/wrecks.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Selected by 3 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, Mike Azariah and Ripard Teg
  88. Make the shortcut keys for approach and align the same button.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Selected by 3 CSMs: mynnna, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  89. Fix the restriction on damage control units so it will let you move the module to adjacent low slots without having to unfit it first.

    Keywords: fitting
    Notes: Selected by 3 CSMs: Korvin, Ripard Teg and Sort Dragon
  90. In the show info windows make systems/stations/regions double click-able and add 'Set Destination' to the context menu for stations.

    Keywords: ui,autopilot
    Notes: Selected by 3 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, Mangala Solaris and Sort Dragon
  91. Improve right-click menus by implementing the Amazon Menu Hack.

    Keywords: ui, menus
    Notes: See url={http://bjk5.com/post/44698559168/breaking-down-amazons-mega-dropdown&domain=bjk5.com, http://bjk5.com/post/44698559168/breaking-down-amazons-mega-dropdown} for a complete explanation of this improvement. Navigating multilevel right-click menus is a pain in the butt, but this cute hack that Amazon uses makes them much easier to use. If this could be implemented, it would improve every right-click menu in the game. Selected by 3 CSMs: mynnna, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  92. Every list in the game should have a filter box.

    Keywords: ui
    Notes: Local, Overview, Guests in Station, etc, etc, etc... if it's a list, make it filterable. Selected by 3 CSMs: Ripard Teg, Sort Dragon and Trebor Daehdoow
  93. Make it possible to bind the evevoice PTT key to any key.

    Keywords: evevoice
    Notes: Selected by 3 CSMs: James Arget, Mangala Solaris and Sort Dragon
  94. Allow directors to remove items from a Personal Hangar Array at a POS.

    Keywords: pos, wormholes
    Notes: Selected by 3 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, James Arget and Sort Dragon
  95. Store Overview/Client settings server-side so player do not need to re-set overview settings every time they log in from a new machine.

    Keywords: ui, settings
    Notes: Selected by 3 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, Mangala Solaris and Sort Dragon
  96. Manufacturing/other jobs can use materials inside containers.

    Keywords: industry, ui
    Notes: Selected by 3 CSMs: Mangala Solaris, mynnna and Sort Dragon
  97. Jobs can be started from blueprints inside containers.

    Keywords: industry, ui
    Notes: Selected by 3 CSMs: Mangala Solaris, mynnna and Sort Dragon
  98. Allow "batches" of jobs to be done. Instead of inventing 1 BPC at a time you can put batches of 20 BPC to invent so you don't need to babysit invention every hour.

    Keywords: invention, industry
    Notes: Selected by 3 CSMs: Mangala Solaris, mynnna and Sort Dragon
  99. Provide a Fleet Bonus Information Tab to the Fleet Management Interface.

    Keywords: ui, fleet,
    Notes: Please see this thread url={https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=142591, https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=142591}. Selected by 3 CSMs: Chitsa Jason, Mangala Solaris and Sort Dragon
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